advantages of polar satellite

This requires better LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) and also advanced signal processing algorithms in the satellite modem. The POES satellite system offers the advantage of daily global coverage, by making nearly polar orbits 14 times per day approximately 520 miles above the surface of the Earth. Navigation : Navigation satellite is an artificial satellite stationed in space for the purposes of navigation. Imaging satellites can measure the changing sizes of glaciers, which is difficult to do from the ground due to the remoteness and darkness of the polar regions. Most of the earth imaging satellites are polar orbiting. Since the number of orbits per day is not a whole number, the orbital tracks do not repeat on a daily basis. Their ability to take high-resolution images that cover large areas makes polar satellites especially useful in reconnaissance, but they are also commonly used to provide detailed information about storms and cloud systems, crops and for mapping the Earth. However it was Herman Oberth and Herman Potocnik who wrote about orbiting stations at an altitude of 35 900 km above the Earth that had a rotational period of 24 hours making it appear to hover over a fixed point on the equator. A low altitude polar orbit is widely used for monitoring the Earth because each day, as the Earth rotates below it, the entire surface is covered. Orbital period is 100 minutes of such satellites. They provide global coverage, necessary for NWP models and climatic studies. As the satellite is in orbit, the Earth is rotating beneath it. Beginning in 1993, the Indian Space Research Organisation developed the capability to launch polar satellites, including very small satellites, from its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Advantages and disadvantages of Polar satellite ➨Advantages: It is used for reconnaissance and to capture high resolution images for earth observation/mapping. The next major … GOES E and … ➨It provides poor coverage at higher latitude places usually greater than 77 degrees. Satellite Launch Service Providers   ➨Due to longer transmission distance, the received signal is very weak. Polar Satellites are a type of sun-synchronous satellites. As the satellite is in orbit, the Earth is rotating beneath it. Following are the advantages of LEO orbit: ➨As it is near to the earth, LEO satellites launced in LEO orbit provides better signal strength. Fixed wimax vs mobile, ©RF Wireless World 2012, RF & Wireless Vendors and Resources, Free HTML5 Templates, Difference between 802.11 standards viz.11-a,11-b,11-g and 11-n. The big disadvantage to a satellite in polar orbit is that it cannot continuously communicate with or sense a single spot on the Earth’s surface. A polar orbit is one in which a satellite passes above or nearly above both poles of the body being orbited (usually a planet such as the Earth, but possibly another body such as the Moon or Sun) on each revolution.It has an inclination of about 60 - 90 degrees to the body's equator. Satellites monitor ocean temperatures and prevailing currents; data acquired by satellite-borne radars were able to show sea levels have been rising by three mm a year over the last decade. The Earth's rotation allows the satellite to see a different view with each orbit, and each satellite provides two complete views of weather around the world each day. Bluetooth vs zigbee Advantages : The low altitudeorbit favours a good ground resolution. Each of these ‘strips’ can then be pieced together to produce a picture of a larger area. what is a satellite   Different types of satellite orbits have different uses: while the synchronous orbit is best for communication satellites, Lagrangian point orbits help monitor the solar wind before it reaches Earth. Some communications satellites, such as the Iridium satellite constellation, also use a polar orbit. polar orbiting satellite. TIROS 1, the first weather satellite in existence, was polar-orbiting, meaning it passed over the North and South Poles each time it revolved around the Earth. This means they circle the planet in a roughly north-south ellipse while the earth revolves beneath them. Satellite Parts Manufacturers, difference between FDM and OFDM Currently in orbit there are morning and afternoon satellites passes, which provide global coverage four times daily. Kepler’s Second Law: A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time. In this presentation, given at the WMO side event during the 2014 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference in Geneva, Alain Ratier (Director-General, EUMETSAT) discusses the value a recent study has placed on the socio-economic benefits polar satellite data provide for the protection of property and infrastructure, the value they add to the economy as well as for the private … It is a satellite whose orbit is perpendicular or at right angles to the equator, or in simple words it passes over the north and south poles as it orbits the earth. This paper attempts to quantify the advantages of such a system relative to a traditional constellation of Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) polar satellites. However, this includes the markets, particularly in developing countries, that the project is targeting. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is an expendable medium-lift launch vehicle designed and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). This is why they are often used in a ‘constellation,’ where a large number of small satellites are placed together in orbit. View from Space of GOES WEST and East (Credit: NASA). Polar Mission Operations were finally terminated on April 28, 2008. Satellite TTC   Parts of a satellite   A Sun-synchronous orbit is useful for imaging, spy, and weather satellites, because every time that the satellite is overhead, the surface illumination angle on the planet underneath it will be nearly the same. One reason for this is that their close proximity to the Earth means they can handle high data rates with very low latency. A satellite in polar orbit takes around an hour and a half for a full rotation. Difference between 802.11 standards viz.11-a,11-b,11-g and 11-n As a result, a satellite can observe the entire Earth’s surface over a 24-hour period. Benefits or advantages of Sun synchronous orbit Following are the benefits or advantages of Sun synchronous orbit: ➨The orbit is designed in such a way that angle between orbital plane and sun remains constant resulting into consistent lighting conditions. A satellite in a polar orbit will pass over the equator at a different longitude on each of its orbits. ➨Advantages: It is used for reconnaissance and to capture high resolution images for earth observation/mapping. This orbit lies at altitude between 700 to 800 Km. There are several types of orbits: Polar; Sun Synchronous; Geosynchronous. The Earth rotates to the east beneath the satellite, and the satellite monitors a narrow strip running from north to south. Difference between SISO and MIMO Satellite Launch Procedure   The polar satellites revolve around the Earth in a north-south orbit passing over the poles as the Earth spins about its north-south axis. This paper attempts to quantify the advantages of such a system relative to a traditional constellation of Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) polar satellites. These orbits have an inclination near 90 degrees. Difference between SC-FDMA and OFDM Satellite systems offer significant advantages for expanding broadband coverage: they provide instant-on coverage across wide geographies without regard to challenging topography; they are reliable and largely immune to many risks that other networks face, including accidental damage, theft, conflict areas and natural disasters. Satellite Applications   Examples of polar orbiting satellites : One of its outcomes is the identification of Arctic services as top priority current user needs that require near-real-time observations. Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) Due to the rotation of the Earth, it is possible to combine the advantages of low-altitude orbits with global coverage, using near-polar orbiting satellites, which have an orbital plane crossing the poles. They also circle at a much lower altitude (about 850 km) providing more detailed information about violent storms and cloud systems. Satellite Capacity Allocation   Polar-orbiting satellites circle the Earth at a relatively close distance to it (roughly 500 miles above Earth's surface). This page describe polar orbiting satellite and its function. ➨It covers wide area of the earth hence entire country or region can be covered with just one satellite. ADVANTAGES OF GEOSTATIONARY ORBITS Make repeated observations over a given area (constant view area) Get high temporal resolution data. Polar Orbiting Satellites ADVANTAGES OF POLAR ORBITS Since the orbit is lower than for the Geostationary satellites, the data resolution is higher. Satellite Network Configuration   Difference between TDD and FDD So, what are these images used for, and why are polar satellites expanding in use? To know more about satellite go through following mentioned links: Launch vehicles like the PSLV are ushering in a new age of innovation in polar satellites. • SCATSAT-1 which was installed in 730 Km polar sun synchronous orbit. Geostationary Satellites have a circular orbit that lies in the plane of the earth's equator. Satellite Applications   Polar orbiting satellites such as QuikScat and TRMM began to relay wind information near the ocean's surface starting in the late 1970s, with microwave imagery which resembled radar displays, which significantly improved the diagnoses of tropical cyclone strength, intensification, and location during the 2000s and 2010s. Polar satellites circle at a low altitude, between 200 and 1000 km above the surface, as compared to an altitude of around 35,800 km for geostationary satellites.This means that polar satellites can take much higher resolution images that geostationary satellites. It was developed to allow India to launch its Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites into sun-synchronous orbits, a service that was, until the advent of the PSLV in 1993, commercially available only from Russia. Because of this, when they are used for communications, a large number of satellites are needed, and they need to be able to connect with each other so that every satellite has a data path to the target network on the ground. This is a nearly-polar orbit in which the satellite passes over any given point of the planet’s surface at the same local mean solar time. • Othe polar satellites are Landsat series, SPOT series, IRS series, NOAA, SEASAT, TIROS etc. Using inter-satellite communications (ISC) capabilities, a federated satellite system (FSS) can establish a win-win collaboration between two spacecrafts to provide these services. ADVANTAGES OF POLAR ORBITS Since the orbit is lower than for the Geostationary satellites, the data resolution is higher. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The satellite which is installed on polar sun synchronous orbit is known as polar satellite or ➨It provides wider bandwidth based on SCPC or MCPC allocation types. A related type of satellite is one placed in a Sun-synchronous orbit. Polar satellite crosses over both the poles on each revolution. Satellite tutorial   This satellite passes over all places on the Earth having same latitude twice in each orbit at the same local sun time. Satellite Services   The idea of a geostationary orbit has been postulated for many years. Because the satellite passes over a given point at the same time each day, the angle of surface illumination is nearly the same each time. The advantages of polar satellite are also mentioned. Polar satellites circle at a low altitude, between 200 and 1000 km above the surface, as compared to an altitude of around 35,800 km for geostationary satellites. These polar satellites cover entire globe on regular basis and provides repetitive coverage on periodic basis. This consistent lighting is very useful for innovative remote sensing applications such as mapping the bottom of the sea, determining soil moisture, locating illegal construction, predicting retail earnings by counting cars in mall parking lots, detecting oil spills, and, of course, for spying. ➨It has least propagation delay (about 10ms) compare to other orbits due to closeness to the Earth. There are several types of orbits: • Polar • Sun Synchronous • Geosynchronous • Near Polar Orbits • These orbits have an inclination near 90 degrees.. • This allows the satellite to see virtually every part of the Earth as the Earth rotates underneath it. With each pass, the satellite monitors a section to the west of the previous pass. Polar Orbits. A satellite polar orbit, i.e. As the name suggests, polar satellites orbit in a path that closely follows the Earth’s meridian lines, passing within 20 or 30 degrees of the North and South Poles once with each revolution. CDMA vs GSM As a result, a satellite can observe the entire Earth’s surface over a 24-hour period. Characteristics. One of the possible originators of the basic idea was a Russian theorist and science fiction writer, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. This increases cost of the ground station equipments. However their observation and monitoring capacity are inhibited by daily to monthly looks for any given ground surface which often is obscured by frequent and persistent cloud cover creating large gaps in time series measurements. This type of polar orbit can be used to keep the satellite in constant sunlight, providing power to its solar panels. • Othe polar satellites are Landsat series, SPOT series, IRS series, NOAA, SEASAT, TIROS etc. It also enables easier active measurements with radar or lidar. This means that polar satellites can take much higher resolution images that geostationary satellites. OFDM vs OFDMA Today, that programme is allowing innovations such as the launch of up to 100 nano satellites at one time, using one launch vehicle, and the launch of small, affordable ‘cube sats’ by universities and schools. Ocean surveillance satellites are used to search for the ships or the submarines, They can spot the nuclear vessels, and new advancements may allow them to scan the depths of the ocean, Early warning and Elint satellites are primarily used by the armed forces, These basically protect the countries from the sneak attacks, and they can be used to detect if other countries are building or storing the … The more correct term would be near polar orbits. For example, it might cross the equator 12 times a day, but at a local mean time of 2:00 pm with each pass. Recommend (3) Comment (0) Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Satellite Terminology  Advantage: Polar satellites have the advantage of photographing clouds directly beneath them. Hence less power (about 1 watt) is needed for transmission. A realistic two-satellite HEO system is compared with currently operating two-, four-, and seven-satellite LEO constellations in terms of spatio-temporal coverage and capability to provide sequences of single, dual, and triplet images at a required temporal resolution. A Geo-stationary satellite is a special type of geo-synchronous satellite and a polar satellite is a special type of sun-synchronous satellite. Satellite Orbits   It was launched by INDIA using PSLV C-35 launch vehicle. A satellite in polar orbit takes around an hour and a half for a full rotation. Following are the advantages of Satellite Communication: ➨It is used for mobile and wireless communication applications independent of location. The POES satellite system offers the advantage of daily global coverage, by making nearly polar orbits 14 times per day approximately 520 miles above the surface of the Earth. tracking services to the users. Their ability to take high-resolution images … Advantages At 35,786km is a special orbit for Geo-stationary satellites. ➨Disadvantages: It can not view a particular spot on the Earth's surface continuously. Polar is a cylindrical satellite of 2.4 meters in diameter and 1.8 meters in height built by the "Astro Space" division of Martin Marietta. It can be used to provide wind vector data for weather forecasting, cyclone detection and Since 1972, satellite remote sensing of the environment has been dominated by polar-orbiting sensors providing useful data for monitoring the earth's natural resources. tracking services to the users. Satellite types   The Earth's rotation allows the satellite to see a different view with each orbit, and each satellite provides two complete views of weather around the world each day. Today, polar orbiting satellite round the Earth 14.1 times daily. Remote sensing satellites   Satellite frequency bands of operation