Your result will also be delivered to the ordering healthcare provider. Forgot Password? Login. Convenient Patient Portal . User name. You can . Contact your ordering provider with questions about your test result. Patient {Jan 2021} Know The Website-Deep (2 days ago) Patient {jan 2021} know the website-deep >> chew over the weblog on covid testing and it’s status to glean out all outs & ins of aegis labs.. have you tested for covid-19 with aegis, or want to go for that? If your COVID-19 TEST was sent to Aegis Labs then you may retrieve your own results from the Aegis Portal with your "Requisition Number" which we can provide. Aegis Sciences Corporation, a leading healthcare company that provides innovative medication adherence testing, is pleased to announce the expansion of… 12 Jan , 2021 Increase in Drug Overdoses Due to Synthetic Opioids During the COVID-19 Pandemic Portal Admin Login. Password. Just Click Below.. AEGIS LAB Portal. Patient Portal Development Solutions - Aegis Health Tech. Remember me? Health Details: At Aegis Healthcare, we are dedicated to making your patient portal a success by using development strategies and best practices that make your portal user-friendly.We have a 100% success rate in delivering EHR, EMR, PHR, etc. Patient portal.aegislabs. Our custom patient portal solutions take care of the core requirements of a patient-centric Software. By logging in, I certify that (1) I am the individual authorized to use these log-in credentials, (2) the log-in credentials are not being shared and (3) I am properly licensed to engage in insurance transactions. com (Nov) Steps In Healthcare -> This article provides information about a science corporation portal for both customers and patients.. One of the reliable companies that provides healthcare aids to the various healthcare providers is Patient portal.aegislabs. Visit to enjoy the benefits of a more advanced online experience, including: simplified searching, advanced results filters, quick views of your most recent samples, and more! A Strong Prescription for Patient Compliance: We've enhanced the Aegis Online Results Portal. Results are reported to public health authorities as required. com.It has been providing some beneficial services to its client for the past three decades. AEGIS LAB TEST RESULTS CareLock Patient Portal Test Results CareLock Patient Portal Test Results. Alerts and Notifications: With Aegis’ patient portals, get rid of traditional practices of calling patients and reminding them of the upcoming appointments or vaccines, notify them of every important event with your personal portal. Every Laboratory Report will have Aegis BioDetect™ results as either Expected or Not Expected. If you are a Healthcare Provider seeking information please contact your Regional Sales Manager or Client Services team at 1.800.533.7052 or email from LabCorp*, your result will be delivered to your LabCorp Patient™ account as soon as it is available. create an account. Patient Portal Login. anytime. Aegis | Arizona's Premier Provider of Homecare and Hospice .