arbitrary deprivation of life meaning

The United Nations has defined the deprivation of life as involving a "deliberate or foreseeable and preventable life-terminating harm or injury, caused by an act or omission" (Human Rights Committee General Comment No. The New Nation, 1 R.K. Mission Road, Ittefaq Bhaban (3rd floor), Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh Phones: PABX: 47115875, 47115879, 47114514, Fax : 880-2-47115865, email: For News:,, For Advertisement,, Copyright © 2021 New Nation. Scope of United Nations Standards & Norms on CPCJ, 3. Arbitrary or unlawful deprivation of life 04 July 2015. A short summary of this paper. 20, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognized that gender, and gender identity, is among the prohibited grounds of discrimination (E/C.12/GC/20). Crosscutting & contemporary issues in police accountability, 1. In summary, it is apparent that the General Assembly has made a concerted effort to reduce the incidence of the violation of the right to life, based on gender related issues, through a continued drive to improve the rule of law, and move away from the arbitrary deprivation of life. The right is enshrined in Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: 1. Issues in Implementing Restorative Justice, Module 9: Gender in the Criminal Justice System, 1. Subscribe to Article 4(1) Prohibition of Arbitrary Deprivation of Life LLS/LMU Login. This module is a resource for lecturers Arbitrary deprivation of life Generally applicable principles. ... amounts to an arbitrary deprivation of life. Deprivation of Life The term “life” in the due process clauses is not often the subject of dispute. Arbitrariness should be interpreted with reference to considerations such as appropriateness, justice, predictability, reasonableness, necessity and proportionality. Otherwise, a federal or state deprivation of life is permissible if the courts, and ultimately, a majority of Supreme Court Justices, decide the deprivation is permissible. Victims of Crime and International Law, 1. This is a particularly significant interpretation, since it indicates that it is not enough for a State to undertake action which would result in the violation of the right to life, but that the hindering of the protection of socio-economic rights can therefore be deemed an arbitrary killing. The broad scope of "arbitrary", as contained within article 6 ICCPR, means that the deprivation of socio-economic rights could also lead to the arbitrary loss of life. - ‘Summary executions’ is the arbitrary deprivation of life as a result of a sentence imposed by the means of summary procedure in which the due process of law and in particular the minimum procedural guarantees as set out in Article 14 of the Covenant are either curtailed, distorted or not followed. Echoing this, the Human Rights Committee has also interpreted article 6 in a manner which requires States to address issues such as homelessness, malnutrition, disease and poverty as a violation of the right to life. Furthermore, this method of targeting has significant international humanitarian law concerns. As was held in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) case of Velasquez Rodrigues, "what is decisive is whether a violation of the rights recognized by the Convention has occurred with the support or the acquiescence of the government, or whether the State has allowed the act to take place without taking measures to prevent it or punish those responsible". 13.2). Integrating gender-based killings within the remit of arbitrary ones not only strengthens the ability and right of victims to claim reparation, but it also goes some way to reducing the infringement of the right to life in the first place. What is Sex / Gender / Intersectionality? Models for Governing, Administering and Funding Legal Aid, 6. A gender-sensitive approach to arbitrary killings cannot ignore that in certain instances those persons identified as being male are also discriminated against. The issue of arbitrary killings has long been on the agenda of the international community, however gender-based killings have generally been excluded from international human rights law discourse and practice. Introducing Aims of Punishment, Imprisonment & Prison Reform, 2. Deprivation of Property The Constitution clearly requires that the government must provide due process before it deprives a person of real or personal property. This paper. Printed and published by MAINUL HOSEIN from the New Nation Printing Press. RIGHTS GUARANTEED: DUE PROCESS OF LAW. No arbitrary deprivation: The right to life is primarily concerned with preventing arbitrary deprivations of life. Public Prosecutors as ‘Gate Keepers’ of Criminal Justice, 2b. translation and definition "arbitrary deprivation of liberty", Dictionary English-English online. Furthermore, it can assist in ensuring that States and their agents perform counter-terrorism activities more strictly and diligently in line with the rule of law. Critically, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions noted that actions of this nature should not be considered as crimes, pursuant to international human rights jurisprudence (General Assembly, Human Rights Council report A/HRC/35/23, p. 8). Such offences are perpetrated by both State and non-State actors and include unlawful gender-based killings (General Assembly report A/61/122/Add.1, para. However, given the general tone of the document, together with the lack of an expressive statement to the contrary, this omission would not seem to preclude the previously adopted expansive interpretation of article 6. Discrimination and Violence against LGBTI Individuals, 4. 143), therefore indicating that individuals of both genders should receive commensurate punishment upon conviction. Absence of an effective investigation into the circumstances that resulted in loss of life. Whilst non-lethal capture, surrendering opportunities and other prevention of loss of life tactics must be prioritised during counter-terrorism practice, there are situations where force may be required. In this regard, States must act with due diligence to ensure that private actors, including non-State violent extremists/terrorist actors, comply with the requirements of the human right to life. In relation to gender-sensitivity and arbitrary killings, attention has  centred on the issue of "gender-based killings". Judicial Independence as Fundamental Value of Rule of Law & of Constitutionalism, 1b. This gender-based approach to targeting terrorist suspects has obvious human rights concerns, with targeting based on gender, alone, being arbitrary. Towards Humane Prisons & Alternative Sanctions, 1. The Falun Dafa Information Center received reports of 104 Falun Gong deaths between January and December 2008, resulting from severe abuse in police custody or other forms of persecution. 3). Every human being has the inherent right to life. The Many Forms of Violence against Children, 3. Download factsheet: Complementary protection Complementary protection enables asylum seekers who do not meet the refugee definition but nevertheless face real and serious dangers to claim protection on the basis of under human rights law. Aims and Significance of Alternatives to Imprisonment, 2. Most women who have been sentenced to death have been on grounds not meeting the criteria of constituting the most serious of crimes, such as for offences of adultery, same-sex relationships or gender identity. This is of particular relevance in conflict situations where women, together with children, are of increased vulnerability to abuse and of having their right to adequate food violated. Adequately addressing the role of women and girls appears now to be an essential part of counter-terrorism and counter extremism strategies, as "targets, as perpetrators, and as potential partners" (Security Council, Counter-Terrorism Committee, The Role of Women ). Deprivation of nationality 195 his nationality’.6 An explicit prohibition against arbitrary deprivation of nationality has also been included in some subsequent human rights trea-ties,7 in particular at the regional level.8 But what does it mean that no one shall be ‘arbitrarily deprived of citi- No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life… Furthermore, counter-terrorism operations in some States seem, at least on occasion, to have focused disproportionately on migrants and, in some cases, directly attribute terrorist incidents to them. Nonetheless, in Wasilewska and Kalucka v. Poland (2010), it was declared that the Polish Government had not addressed the issue of proportionality on the use of force by police, as well as sufficient information on whether laws and administrative rules had been implemented to protect individuals against arbitrariness. The Committee considers that States parties should take measures not only to prevent and punish deprivation of life by criminal acts, but also to prevent arbitrary killing by their own security forces. Although there is no standardized definition of "arbitrary", according to the African Commission on Human and People's Rights (ACommHPR) General Comment 3: [A] deprivation of life is arbitrary if it is impermissible under international law, or under more protective domestic law provisions. 36, 2017, para. This being said, as at June 2018, the current draft makes no reference to a provision contained within the ICESCR. In addition to the General Assembly's specific focus on gender discrimination, within Resolution 71/198 the Assembly has recognized the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, noting that its implementation would have significant positive consequences on the promotion and protection of human rights for all, irrespective of gender. Even where the government deprives a person of life (e.g., through enforcement of the death penalty), the government seldom does so without following proper procedures. Download PDF. University of Tartu The limitation period for an action for protection of possession (sections 44 and 45) is one year from the violation or deprivation … Improving the Criminal Justice Response to VAC, 6. The link between gender and arbitrary killings is such that in both peacetime and armed conflict situations, protection of the right to life must be respected, bearing in mind these quite predominant gender-based issues. In addition, the Law does not require proof of terrorist intent. Under article 4 of the ICCPR, countries may take measures derogating from certain of their obligations under the Covenant, including the right to security of the person and freedom from arbitrary detention'in time of public emergency which threatens the life of the … Any State's counter-terrorism strategy which permits the use of force must fall within margins that are not deemed arbitrary. It guarantees the right to life and personal liberty to citizens and aliens and is enforceable against the State. 2020: E4J Webinar Series: Restorative approaches to teaching criminal justice, Jul. The law contains a definition of terrorism that is vague and overly broad. The United Nations has defined the deprivation of life as involving a "deliberate or foreseeable and preventable life-terminating harm or injury, caused by an act or omission" (Human Rights Committee General Comment No. To understand the meaning of extrajudicial killing, therefore, courts must engage in a more rigorous analysis of international sources, including the decisions of human rights courts and the statements of human rights bodies.13 Such a review would reveal the right to life norm affords broad protection against the arbitrary deprivation of life. It is worth recalling that the concept of socio-economic rights encompasses a wide array of entitlements, with article 6 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) providing for the recognition of the right to work, with article 11 noting that everyone has a right to "an adequate standard of living … including food, clothing and housing". The deprivation of life by the authorities of the State is a matter of the utmost gravity. 3). Instead, arguing that there is a duty to investigate alleged violations of the right to life in armed conflicts seems much more reasonable, provided that IHL is duly taken into account to identify what would constitute an arbitrary deprivation of life. Gender-Based Discrimination & Women in Conflict with the Law, 2.