bedgrove infant school mrs fenner Fizzy Fenner Teacher - Head of Year at Bedgrove Infant School Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom Year 5 Teachers. The school is a mixed school, having 48.8% girls and 51.2% boys. Bedgrove Junior School Closed. Mrs L Agnew - 5LA . With 467 pupils, Bedgrove Infant School has a significantly higher than average number of pupils in the UK. Good. We look forward to welcoming all of our children back on 8th March! The programme is shot from a child's viewpoint, showing teacher Liz Fenner, who is head of foundation stage, asking whether the children have their lunchboxes, showing them where the coat pegs are and explaining the class rules. Pupils Per Teacher: 24.4. All schools are legally obliged to maintain attendance record for its pupils. Governors. Overall Absence. We strive to ensure your young child’s first experience of schooling is a positive one, instilling a life-long love of learning and an eagerness to enjoy life. Our Chair of Governors is: Mrs Chrissie Green. All residents are considered to be members and the committee aims to represent them on local issues. Here at Broomgrove Junior School we believe that the most effective school is one which encourages talents, meets needs and promotes achievement. Sex: Mixed (46% boys / 54% girls) Eligible for free school meals (FSM): 3.8% (low) FSM pupils at 10 nearest schools †: 10.5%. Mr B Wilkins Gardener. I cannot thank them enough for all they do and continue to do for my child and the other children. I am a full-time mum to a daughter who left BJS in summer 2017 to move on to secondary school. We hope you enjoy your visit. We also engage with Ashmead Combined School as part of their ITT programme and offer placements for students within our school. Free School Meal Percent. Non-teaching Staff*: 5.7. Miss Hubbard - Honeysuckle (Year Leader) Miss Allen - Buttercup. My background is varied. Local Authority. Fizzy Fenner Teacher - Head of Year at Bedgrove Infant School Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom Education Management . My background is in HR and I hope to be able utilise my work based skills and knowledge to support the school in achieving its objectives each year. 01296 481353. Number of pupils: 285. Most outstanding schools are exempt from routine inspection. With the tube, each student was asked to help around the home with chores – washing the car, tidying their room, washing up etc. Miss C Tartaglia - 4CT. Well done Everybody! Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 13.2 / 8.6. Fantastic World Book Day at Carrington! Are you happy for us to contact your school for a reference? Mrs L Hmaidi/Mrs E Askham - 5HA. Full Time Teacher. PE & School Sports; Year 4 Isolation Home Learning Pack 2. In addition provides breakfast and after school care to Sandling, St Pauls & Northborough school. Bedgrove Infant School is an outstanding setting and I feel privileged to work alongside Governors, Staff and pupils. As Headteacher I have the absolute pleasure and privilege of working here every day. Mr Grace – Headteacher. We hope you will enjoy learning more about our unique school. Purple Mash is an award-winning website for nursery and primary school children. Posted: Nov 8, 2019 by: T Turner (tturner) on: Foundation 1. Non-teaching Staff*: 3.8. URN: 110282. Miss V Knight - 5VK. I have two sons aged 19 and 16 who thrived whilst they were at Bedgrove Infant School and both have great memories of their time here; it was an amazing start to their education and I am completely committed to ensuring that all children here have the best start in their educational lives. The role of the Governing Body is an interesting one. Bedgrove Junior School is located in Aylesbury and falls under the local authority of Buckinghamshire. Buckinghamshire. I feel privileged to be able to aid and contribute in whatever small or large way that I can. Mrs C Britten Deputy Chef Manager. Ingram Avenue. Boarding: No; Local authority: Buckinghamshire; Pupils: 444; Religion: None; Ofsted: Latest Overall effectiveness Outstanding 1; Outcomes for … Welcome to our website. 206. View our wide selection of houses and flats for sale in Bedgrove Infant School, Buckinghamshire, HP21. PDF – Published 17 July 2015. Our Chair of Governors is: Mrs Chrissie Green. The children love to learn. All of our eggs have hatched! 11.0. Head: Mrs Lorraine Greco. Miss J Haynes/Miss J Scannell - 6HS. World Book Day 2021 Amazing costumes and masked reader fun! Both are foundation schools, which each take approximately 480 pupils. Here you will find pictures of some of the things we are doing in school, as well as the weekly homework and other information about Year 4. I really enjoy being part of such a great ‘outstanding’ team and the best bit is seeing how the children flourish in such a great school. Mrs K White Early Years Lead Turtle Class Teacher. I have been a Governor for a few years now and have been involved with lots of changes and challenges that have occurred during this time. Miss S … Florist. Mr Thorpe - Assistant Headteacher KS2 Yr 5 & 6. Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 12.8 / 12.2. Please come and say hello if you see me around school. It is one of the largest Infant Schools in Buckinghamshire. Mrs R Shaw HLTA. If you have a look around our school you will soon see that our outdoor classrooms are as exciting and innovative as our indoor areas! Outstanding; Good; Requires Improvement; Inadequate; How long until the next inspection? Bearbrook Combined School. Year 4 Home learning 1.pdf Year 4 extra resources 1.pdf Use the link below to find fun ways to stay active at home. I first joined the board as a parent governor when my eldest son was in F2. Latest News. 01296 481353. My education and experience of working with all ages of child has enabled me to impart parts of my experience into my role as governor. 25 June 2015. We hope the tour gives you some insight into life at Bedgrove Infant School and the fun that awaits your child/ren. Latest News. Ingram Avenue, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 9DN. During this time, I have seen many changes and have undertaken different roles as a governor, including Chair for four years before I was employed at the school. Headteacher: Mrs Cathy rowland. Ingram Avenue, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 9DJ. I have two young children and am keen to make a positive impact in supporting BIS. 4th March 2021; Happy … If you have any further questions do please call the school. Year 3 News; Year 3 Homework; Year 4. Website: Headteacher: Mrs L Greco Ms Z Neville Trainee Teacher Turtle Class. Miss L Carman - 4LC. Mrs Willis - Assistant Headteacher EYFS/KS1. My name is Zoe Adams and I have been a parent governor for the past 2 and a half years. HP21 9DN . At the time it was built it was the largest housing estate of its kind in the country. More About Us. Well done Everybody! If you wish to contact Mrs Bush please contact her via the office details listed above or alternatively you can email … If you wish to contact Mrs Makepeace please contact her via the office details listed above. Broughton Community Infant School Narbeth Drive Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP20 1NX . Miss A Hunter - 3AH. Within my role as a Governor with Bedgrove Infants I am Vice Chair, supporting Chrissie and also my core responsibilities are Safeguarding, Child Protection and Head Teachers appraisal, these are my main focusses but as a team we all support wherever needed. Miss Z Denning School Secretary (Maternity Leave) Site Staff. They have been eagerly finishing the rhymes in the story. To contact our Governors please email: . I am very glad to be part of the school governors. I was still working when I joined knowing that I would soon be retiring and hoping that some of my many years of experience would be useful in supporting the school. We will be happy to speak to you. Whilst the governor role has had its changes and challenges; I have faced them head on and I am privileged to be a critical friend to the school and the team. * Yes No . Ingram Avenue, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 9DJ. At Bedgrove Infant School our vision is to Believe everyone can succeed, to Inspire everyone to achieve their best and that everyone should Shine with confidence and self-belief. Local child deprivation rate: 3.5% (2km radius) Proportion of White British pupils: 85.8%. I have a breadth of experience with regards to SEND and this has a very positive impact on my role of SEND governor to ensure each and every child at BIS learns and thrives. YEAR 1. Mr C Hatton Site Manager. We will be happy to speak to you. I have two boys and my eldest currently attends BIS. Mr M Allison - 5MA. Ingram Avenue, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 9DJ. I am also a parent governor at Aylesbury High School where I am the Safeguarding Governor and chair the School Performance Committee. We have three overarching stipulated tasks, which are: To provide a sense of direction for the work of the school. Mrs Eileen Stewart. I have a background in education and value and support high standards when it comes to a child’s learning and development. … If you have a look around our school you will soon see that our outdoor classrooms are as exciting and innovative as our indoor areas! She is an MD for a recruitment agency and has also mentored and coached senior recruitment professionals. Number of pupils: 271. Year 5 News; Year 5 Homework; Year 6. Bedgrove Junior School. 'The school is amazing and has been even more amazing during this very difficult time. Mrs Helen Bush is our Chair of Governors. At Bedgrove Infant School our vision is to Believe everyone can succeed, to Inspire everyone to achieve their best and that everyone should Shine with confidence and self-belief. Ingram Avenue. Mrs R Shaw Turtle Class Teacher. Percentage of children eligible for free school meals: Help with percentage of children eligible for free school meals field Opens a dialog 5.2%. Mrs K Herring School Business Manager. It has 335 pupils organised in 12 classes, and 63 children who attend part-time in the nursery. It is one of the largest Infant Schools in Buckinghamshire. I am now Chair of Governors and have been since stepping up from Vice Chair in July 2018. Aylesbury. I plan to go back to university in the next couple of years to complete my teacher training. Bedgrove Junior School. Our school SENDCo is Mrs Jamie Makepeace. Born in St. Joseph, Missouri, Fenner received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas in 1970 and a Juris Doctor from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law in 1973. I have worked as a teacher, in the social sector and am currently working in the pharmaceutical industry. A low 96.6% attendance rate for the school is below average for the country. I have been a governor at Bedgrove Infant School for 14 years. Miss N Gurney School Secretary. Bedgrove is one of the housing estates of the modern town of Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, though it takes its name from a farm and hamlet that stood in the area until the area was cleared for building in the late 1950s. Date last changed / confirmed: 14 January 2021. Get email alerts when we publish a new report. Term Dates 2021-2022 (Updated … Headteacher: Mrs Rachel Crundwell (since January 2017) Previous Headteacher: Paula Chapman. Pupils Per Teacher: 20.9. PPA Cover . Type of SEN provision: Type of resourced provision: Not applicable. Full inspection: Good Full inspection, PDF - 17 July 2015. Miss S Perrottet Elephant Class Teacher. HP21 9DN . Bedgrove Infant School Ingram Avenue Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP21 9DJ; Head: Miss Julie Lawrence; T 01296 481353; F 01296 424846; E [email protected] W www.bedgrovein…; A state school for boys and girls aged from 3 to 7. I joined the team at Bedgrove almost 8 years ago and this has enabled me to share my experiences as a member of staff. 50% Boys. 3.83 miles from Walderslade . We are very proud to be purple and believe every child will have the confidence, self-belief and resilience to embrace challenges and strive to achieve all aspirations. Sarah has lived in Buckinghamshire since 2006 and has a wide range of experience of working in the private sector. Mrs Helen Bush is our Chair of Governors. No of Girls . Sex: Mixed (55% boys / 45% girls) Eligible for free school meals (FSM): 1.1% (low) FSM pupils at 10 nearest schools †: 6.0%. I have an Education Studies degree and have always loved the ethos of the infant school; 3 of my children have been at or are at Bedrove Infant School and I joined wanting to give something back to the school. Miss K Leonard - 6KL . I do hope you enjoy this glimpse of our amazing school through the window of our website. Telephone/Fax: 01296 415642 . Ms Z Neville Trainee Teacher Turtle Class. Mr Nem Shah Date of previous inspection: 21st – 24th September 1998 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCHOOL Bedgrove is a very large infant school for boys and girls who are 3-7 years old. Mrs Holborow - Assistant Headteacher KS2 Yr 3 & 4. Non-teaching Staff*: 4. Miss L Addington Teaching Assistant. Forever Green Florist. Buckinghamshire. Non-teaching Staff*: 1.4. Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 11.7 / 8.6. of students eligible to receive free school meals. Latest News. I am an Ofsted registered childminder with 18 years experience working … 50% Girls. Mr A Nixon Teaching Assistant. The headteacher of the linked infant school, Bedgrove Infant School, became the interim executive headteacher of both schools following the last inspection. Childminder. I firmly believe in the importance of a great working relationship between parents/carers and the school to achieve the best positive outcomes for the children. Bedgrove Infant School. Ms T Baker Trainee Teacher Dolphin Class. We went out into the school with a 'Warning Triangle' drawing symbols to warn Stickman of the dangers in our school, visiting the hall, kitchen, playgrounds and vegetable patch. View Fizzy Fenner’s full profile. We strive to ensure your young child’s first experience of schooling is a positive one, instilling a life-long love of learning and an eagerness to enjoy life. Being a Governor allows me to bring insights from the school and its staff to the meetings and encapsulate everything that is happening within our school. I have been Headteacher at Westcott since 2011. There are so many different aspects of Governance, which is why it makes it so interesting. Home; Parents; Term Dates ; School Term Dates. Sycamore Amersham. Mrs L Khan Kitchen Assistant. We look forward to welcoming all of our children back on 8th March! Chesham Flowers and Gifts. J Brown Funeral Services Ltd. Funeral Service & Cemetery . We formally carry out a risk assessment of exempt schools three years after their most recent full inspection and regularly … Bedgrove Infant School. Florist. Bakery. Year 6 Teachers. Reception Team. Miss E Grant Year 1 Lead SENDCO. Get a 14-Day Trial Office 365 Login Office 365. Year 6 News; Year 6 Homework; Pupil Parliament; How to keep yourself safe; E Safety; Video Resource Centre; Download Our App; Log in; Term Dates. I first joined the board as a parent governor when my eldest son was in F2. Headteacher: Mrs Jane Driscoll. PPA/Management Cover/Specialist Teachers. YEAR 1. 01296 481353. Mr M Allison - 5MA. Miss E Grant Year 1 Lead SENDCO. If you would like to discover more about the world of Bedgrove Infant School and what makes us so special, then please come and see us and find out for yourself. Type of SEN provision: Type of resourced provision: Not applicable. Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 10 / 7.8. Louise Murray. The John Hampden School is an infant school teaching children from 3 to 7 years old. Mrs E Ryan Treetop and Meadow Class Teacher. "It was like having Ofsted in; you are watched all the time," she said. White British pupils at 10 nearest schools †: 59.0%. Year 4 News; Year 4 Homework ; Year 4 Twitter; Isolation Home Learning . SENDCo. Hello and welcome to the Bedgrove Infant School Governor web page. * Yes No . Fantastic World Book Day at Carrington! If you wish to contact Mrs Makepeace please contact her via the office details listed above. Our website will give you a taster of the School, as well as providing up-to-date information for parents, children and the wider community. There was no option to purchase books online using these vouchers so we felt this was the safest and fairest way to ensure all our children got a free book this year. Latest News. I have 4 children and run my own childcare business. Mrs K Hurrell - 6KH Welcome to Carrington Infant School. Mrs K White Early Years Lead Turtle Class Teacher. Miss T Cairney Early Years Practitioner. The role of the Governing Body is an interesting one. Mr R Andrews Caretaker. My background as an Early Years teacher and then local authority and independent consultant enabled me to bring a wide variety of educational experiences to the role of governor but I have also valued the opportunity of working alongside others from different professions and have learned from this too. Bedgrove Infant School. I thoroughly enjoy being the voice of staff and having an input on the running of the school. Outstanding; Good; Requires Improvement; Inadequate; Activity, reports and ratings. URN: 110280. I have been a governor at Bedrove Infant School for nearly 5 years. Mrs Jaggers - School Business Manager. Headteacher: Mrs Diana Jelavic-Wade (since September 2020) Previous Headteacher: Rachel Blake (went to Bishop Winnington-Ingram CofE Primary School) Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 14.1 / 14.5. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. I have been working as an HLTA at Bedgrove Infant school for coming up to two years. Miss D Martin Early Years Practitioner. If you have any further questions do please call the school. Numbers of Teachers / Assistants*: 11.5 / 8.4. We look forward to welcoming all of our children back on 8th March! Date last changed / confirmed: 14 January 2021. Staff and governors work hard to ensure that children are happy and challenged and leave the school with the highest levels of attainment they are capable of. Mr V Archer Chef Manager. Governors. Miss M Cole - 6MC. Ingram Avenue. Carolyn Lee. Elementary School. I have always enjoyed being a part of the team; ensuring that each child strives to reach their own full learning potential. Headteacher: Mrs Lorraine Greco (since January 2016) Previous Headteacher: G Tong. Menu . Mrs A Harrison Whale Class Teacher. Mrs A Harrison Whale Class Teacher. Miss N Andrews/Mrs V Linford - 4AL. Welcome to our website. Mrs M Harrison Office Administrator. Mrs E White Shark Class Teacher. Miss R Robertson - 4RR . 103. Our school SENDCo is Mrs Jamie Makepeace. Number of pupils: 268. To contact our Governors please email: . Executive Headteacher: Mr Robert Morrissey (since April 2017) Previous Headteacher: Joanna Slough. Bedgrove Junior School is a well-resourced primary school with a very committed, stable team of staff, supportive Local Governing Board and an active PTA.,_Baron_Brockway WELCOME. She also has experience of starting up and growing businesses. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCHOOL Bedgrove is a very large infant school for boys and girls who are 3-7 years old.