ct sos filing fees

Please choose the calculator that is appropriate for your stocks par value type: Filings may be submitted by the following methods. D����"C���-0F�ܔ��@�L+I7�6��0_����*��@��3�ĂD.I�1ám���h*�ݕ�.`^�И�"b�F(���F�P`�IEJǝk�Z3"+Ԧ'\5��|�@,|xԴj�%�W�[�9�D���[F��Ӡ�8����h�x���Ck�o=�ad�sXs�n���V��'[��.p�� ���F��F31q숖����3� &z�ԃ�����-B�)N����>RcI�����>�ķ X V���7��5% �-����Z�,���dm�%@�{���kkb. sos.mt.gov/Business/UCCForms 160-B_UCC_Filing_Fees_Reprocessing fees Revised 07/01/2013 UCC Filing Fees Secretary of State Phone :( 406)444-2468 PO Box 202801 Fax: (406)444-3976 Helena MT 59620-2801 www.sos.mt.gov VIII. Most online filings, including all UCC filings, are accepted automatically. Nonprofits must pay $50. The annual report is due by the end of the anniversary month of your LLC's formation. MARK FORMS: Mark Registration Form This contains the instructions and form used to register Service Marks, Trademarks and Trade Names. 339 0 obj <> endobj 128 State Street. For domestic corporations, the cost to file is $150. Please see the Department of Revenue Service website for more information on the BET sunset. S�/��0�!5(b��m�B�����m�L8�X1�s���@m�UJ��Xp�}�*¨]An��g��� ��:�� ��B�:д�r��Z�~�R�C���G���:Xc����}ъ����1�&���b�8(r�Lg� To avoid issues related to identity theft you should avoid using and submitting confidential information in public filings unless specifically required by statute. Filing Fees (effective March 1, 2016) Filing Fee UCC-1 $40.00 UCC-1 Transmitting Utility $40.00 stream section 45a-106a) Miscellaneous Expenses (C.G.S. Contact Information. %%EOF What are your filing fees? 1-Hour Expedite is available on all of the above filings at the fee of $1000.00 per item. Effective July 1, 2016. biennially file a Statement of Information (Form SI-100 – filing fee $20.00) together with a Statement by Common Interest Development Association (Form SI-CID – filing fee $15.00) for a total of $35.00. Business License Fee . Result: All businesses with business name starting Hartford will be displayed. 10 0 obj endstream endobj 340 0 obj <. If you only know the keywords the corporation begins with, you must add an asterisk (*) to the last letter of the last keyword. Certificate of Authority. [� The fee for the annual report filing is NOT the Business Entity Tax/BET/OP424. (l(�ZDI\�. Fee Schedule; Top of Page. endstream endobj startxref Although in-person interactions will be limited, our office staff will be available via email as normal. 117.73. x��]�r7�}�W�'&��+�}q�U�4!.bQ^>�?�_ �f�U,�2�vD+�Bb=8w��C�z�0�o���d��\4oV{�y��a��_�៣���}�!�{�����x�Y#do ���^�t������ޏP���\�����o�Y4��_��^,�b���PШ�#�Z7�g�V�mo. %�쏢 Example: Search for business name Hartford*. The State of Connecticut requires you to file an annual report for your LLC. h�bbd```b``z $200.00 . Form CT‑3, General Business Corporation Franchise Tax Return, or Form CT‑4, General Business Corporation Franchise Tax Return Short Form. <> Search any type of business entity in Connecticut (corporation, LLC, partnership, etc.) You can file your annual report onlineat the SOTS website. UCC Forms and Fee Information . Trade and Service Mark Forms. (GP: Fines and Fees Report) In order to promote accountability and transparency, each state agency must provide and release to the public via the agency’s website, a report of all aggregate amounts of fines and fees that were charged and collected by that state agency in the prior fiscal year. Montpelier, VT 05633. The inquiries for the business filings or UCC liens can be done through our website http://www.concord-sots.ct… $15 per filing (standard filing fee, includes attachments) If you did not find the information you need, enter a descriptive word or phrase in the Search field located in the upper right corner. 888-647-4582. $145.00. Foreign corporations must pay $435 to file their report. Corporate Fee Schedule (IMPORTANT: Statutory Trust Fees will Increase on August 1, 2018. Fee Schedule for Services and Registration with the West Virginia Secretary of State Effective November 18, 2019 Insufficient Check Fee is $25.00 (§61-3-39e) Service of Process Uniform Commercial Code . Per year for each year of delinquent annual reports . Filing fees apply to all UCC1 and UCC3 filings, including terminations. Effective July 1, 2020, the filing fee for annual reports increased from $20 to $80 for LLCs, LPs, and LLPs. Search by Filing Number: The wild card search can be done on Business names using the asterisk symbol *. )5J��� �rx�0�W�N3����a�ǩ��H��2�V�6��I For profit corporations, the $30.00 filing fee, plus an additional fee of $35.00 . Appeal to Supreme Court or Appellate Court – entry fee: $250 52-259 2. In order to practice social distancing and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), public access to our building, 165 Capitol Avenue, will be restricted. Filing fee: use appropriate fee for type of document being corrected Kansas Office of the Secretary of State: Memorial Hall, 1st Floor (785) 296-4564 120 S.W. Amended Certificate of … "��٭ ���� �����@$'X��L��j`v�� �J:`��6YL���,@�1FH��c������$�����q�g� �R Annual report forms or notifications are automatically sent to your LLC's mailing address. … When filing in Connecticut, the fee structure varies significantly. LLC’s, both foreign and domestic, must pay $20 to submit an annual report to the Secretary of State’s office. Create Report by Debtor Business Name: Create Report by Debtor Name: First Personal Name: Surname: * Number of Records per page: For all recipient committees that form after January 1, 2013, the $50 fee is due to the Secretary of State no later than 15 days after the Statement of Organization (Form 410) is filed with the Secretary of State. %PDF-1.4 802-828-2386. ��`�0dF���$��Y�0��q�� Questions about the BET should be made with the DRS (860-297-5962). %PDF-1.5 %���� Service/Per Defendant (In U.S.) $20.00 All filings $20.00 10th Avenue kssos@sos.ks.gov Topeka, KS 66612-1594 www.sos.ks.gov COR _____ Please review to ensure completion. The Division of Corporations now has filing fee calculators for stock entities that can be used for new companies. Number of Records per page: h�b```f``������8�A�X��, +&��!�L�gs�J20�wtt00Ttt4������q�5 -�"`����xTx"�(>:�������[b�=Jw0f`xП��+��b +��`�B�4#� ����3�e`l 0 ��!k This website provides a complete list of all … Expedited Handling of Information Requests 0 You will be able to preform your search by Name, Business ID, or Filing Number.The most popular way to lookup a business is by Name. Nonprofit corporations ..... $10.00 Filing Fees (C.G.S. Don’t forget to include payment with your documents. Filings and information contained in filings you submit to the Secretary of State are public record, including names, phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing and street addresses, except as provided in statutes. Expedited handling of filings may be requested by presenting documents in-person to the Office of the Secretary of State. 11PM – 7AM ( Monday to Saturday ) and all day Sunday. 360 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6A0ADD6588E0CD488212060658206EB8>]/Index[339 37]/Info 338 0 R/Length 106/Prev 113371/Root 340 0 R/Size 376/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream One-half of document filing fee. Commercial Recording Division. Filing Fees. Although, the system will only return all exact matching entities to your keywords entered. Please Do Not Staple THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. {�����Y'�U�-tϘf�=��`�m{�)H�J���R��M��q!Z|�׎��kٿ���P�ם��ov�3�u>��&]�8&Z��D�^`Q�zOڻ��w���H^9#��� �2)?�A�O�^z�̤hT��fg��\�����j}�S�6kf�b������Q0&?��GAh�H�ð��0_�N�y� �{5݌�ߠ_C˽s޴� �� �|�X��'x��Qf�L�ڷ�޿;�'�i&ǒ��ɾ,��Ux�#�y ,�$�y����A���=;Zvp�PX�BK�3�%�q�2�$�tw�J�{�f��aO1� t�ZzX�[c0L�� TV�t.��&���qܠ��]��� %ax�,^cB��zh�#����LY~��Z�sY��c&�r��6�}- Z�����ی��*����2:��m[A��Z��+�l�c��k��/�Ds��b��fa`�tc4T�P�!��ԇ���a�8kTl��lC�p�I3�L���q�6�U�w*N�O�/�!��Ĺ`��`������d�[ k2��X���(���V⺵�{��^X�v3�8d7��]��3��۪�@s �X��&/��Bh�Xpl�ۨ���� ؛�ﱩ�� 2��qо�*�D�>���(�j$�4,/C���= All Division staff will be working remotely, so processing times for mail and fax filings will be significantly delayed. The current filing fee is $20. EXPEDITED FILINGS: Expedited service resumes June 1, 2020, modified as follows: ANNUAL REPORT FILING FEES Entity Type Domestic (CT) Foreign (outside CT) 2-Hour Expedite is available on all of the above filings at the fee of $500.00 per item. Click here for more information.) Due to daily maintenance activity; the online filing system will NOT be accessible from. `H��? Online fee Paper fee; Expedited Service, business organization document filing (fulfilled within 3 business days) - additional fee: n/a: $150.00: Certificate of good standing, certificates of fact, certified copies: Free: n/a: Apostille (per document) n/a: $5.00 routine, $15.00 expedited When filing Form CT‑247, submit all documents granting or denying exemption from tax by the IRS, the corporation’s articles of incorporation, and its bylaws. The Business Services Division maintains the business registry for the State of Connecticut. Online filing is available for most forms or forms can be downloaded and mailed/faxed (review guidelines and cover sheet, credit card payments are accepted). Effective January 1, 2020, the Business Entity Tax (BET) has been eliminated. Legal Business Entities (Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, and Limited Partnerships) are required to pay a minimum annual … Forms can be expedited for a fee of $50 per form. Note: The document must be received by the Secretary of State by 9:30 a.m., and a filing confirmation or filing response will be available the same day by 4:00 p.m. 24–Hour Filing Service (Class C) - $350.00: Stacey Drinkwine, Director. If the filing is submitted with an extra copy, upon filing, the extra copy will be file-stamped and returned to the submitter with evidence of filing. Fee Schedule; Certificate of Registration of a Trade Mark or Service Mark; Renewal of Registered Trade Mark or Service Mark; Assignment of Registered Mark; Cancellation of Registered Mark; Change of Address of Registered Mark Owner; Statutory Classes for Goods or Services; Request for Search of Registered Marks Fee: Authority: 1. by using the Concord Secretary of State’s Website. Corporations & Business Services. Below is a chart that outlines some of the different business structures in Rhode Island and annual filing fees and taxes that are associated. An additional fee of $15.00 per filing is required for expedited processing of an acknowledgment. Service by Phone UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE NEW FILINGS : Form: Amendment/Correction of Mark This form is used to change or correct a Mark which is currently on file in Nevada. For recipient committees that existed prior to January 1, 2013, the $50 fee is due by February 15, 2013, unless the committee terminates by January 31, 2013. section 45a-109) Office of the Probate Court Administrator. * Fees must include filing fee for the formation of any Texas filing entity created by the transaction. The purpose of the business registry is to provide an accurate public record of all business entities transacting business in the state. PLEASE NOTE: the expedite fee is in addition to the standard filing fee charged on each filing … Same Day Filing Service (Class B) - $750.00: Filing response guaranteed by 4:00 p.m. the same day. : Form: Assignment of Mark Form used to transfer the ownership of an existing Mark. Online filings that require review are being processed as soon as possible. The Business Entity Tax is collected by the CT Department of Revenue Services every two years ($250). 375 0 obj <>stream Secretary of the State Denise W. Merrill.