daily hampshire gazette letters to the editor

Free and paid Announcements classified ads of the Daily Hampshire Gazette Classifieds. The Dave Granlund cartoon based on the controversy surrounding racially offensive images in Dr. Seuss books is off base and misleading. Browse Sales & Auctions classified ads and free ads. An excerpt from The Daily Hampshire Gazette letter to the editor, “Mark Peterson: Urges ‘death with dignity’ bill to become law,” by Easthampton resident Mark Peterson, published June 10, 2020: “Kudos to the Gazette for its May 29 editorial “Time for The End of Life Options Act,” and for its May 30 op-ed article called “Three elders support passage of death with dignity bill.” A letter to the editor expresses a reader's opinion and, as such, is not reflective of the editorial opinions of this newspaper. Letter to the Editor of the Daily Hampshire Gazette. You can send us your letters using the simple form below. Charlie Baker’s administration has done with vaccine distribution. Local news and latest Letters to the Editor stories from The Gazette journalists covering Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and the Corridor. Distributed for free in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and the surrounding towns of Dover, Durham, Exeter, Newmarket, Rochester, and Somersworth, it is also available by subscription, from coast to coast and around the world. Browse Announcements classified ads and free ads. Cuomo has put New York in the national spotlight for all… Scandals rendering Cuomo ineffective The recent scandal surrounding Gov. This form can also be used to submit Thank You notes. ... news-gazette.com 201 Devonshire Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: ... Ft. Madison Daily Democrat; Champaign, IL (61820) Today. Hauser posted on Twitter today “…I was just told my job was “eliminated.” I love my staff, I love this paper, and I love this community. Tangier 2 Tangier Central Taunton TA1 4AS UNION LEADER Daily newspaper based out of Manchester Upload LTE to Online Form or email to opinion@theunionleader.com LTE should be 250 words or fewer SEACOAST ONLINE Exeter News-Letter, Foster’s Daily Democrat, Hampton Union, and Portsmouth Herald are all under the umbrella of “Seacoast Online”, but are submitted to individually. Inspiring! See their instructions below. Every person I have ever met is against genocide. Policy: Letters must include the author's name, address and telephone number and be no more than 300 words in length. The Daily Hampshire Gazette is the essential daily news source for the Pioneer Valley from Northampton, MA, in Franklin County. I was... David Arbeitman: Argues that federal government given many powers, David Gustavson: Suggests zoning rules should be flexible, Mary Hall: Calls for Trump to step down after Globe threatened, Marianne Preger-Simon: Suggests putting solar panels in parking lots, Dennis Bidwell: Explains support for Jo Comerford, Larkin Christie: Youth group backs Josh Zakim, Frank DeToma: Says John Hines skilled in economic development, Bob Gardner: Impressed by Lindsay Sabadosa’s boldness and innovation, Sarah Goff: Likes Domb’s stance on health care, education, Lulu Kline: Daughter’s perspective on Chelsea Kline, Shauneen Kocot: Widow of legislator supports Diana Szynal, Cynthia Langley: Says Ryan O’Donnell ‘policy wonk’ needed in Senate. An excerpt from the Daily Hampshire Gazette letter to the editor, “All humans deserve ‘death with dignity’,” by Florence resident… Taunton Daily Gazette Letter: A good time to take action on end-of-life options March 31, 2020 Submit a Letter The Recorder welcomes letters to the editor, which should be under 300 words, be of general interest and in good taste and meet legal standards. An excerpt from the Daily Hampshire Gazette letter to the editor, “All humans deserve ‘death with dignity’,” by Florence resident Elizabeth Bristow, published May 3, 2020: Death is on our minds these days. Last weekend's Jazz Fest was absolutely a super success. Free and paid classified ads in NH, New Hampshire. Letter to the Editor. We reserve the right to edit for content and length. Former Daily Hampshire Gazette editors dispute executive editor's claims: 'Jeff is not the hero he makes himself out to be' Updated Jan 30, 2019; Posted Jan 31, 2018 Daily Hampshire Gazette Storms may produce some hail. Letter to Editor of Daily Hampshire Gazette I hope this letter gets published in Daily Hampshire Gazette: A way to affect genocide. Post free Sales & Auctions classified ads. Letters to the Editor have a limit of 250 words. If you're interested in submitting a Letter to the Editor, click the button below. Amherst Bulletin editor, night editor at Daily Hampshire Gazette Greater Boston Area 273 connections. Letters must be 500 words or less. Browse classified ads. Letters from Gazette readers. The Daily Hampshire Gazette is the essential daily news source for the Pioneer Valley from Northampton, MA, in Franklin County. BY MAIL: (Discouraged) Send comments to Letters to the Editor c/o The Gazette, 30 East Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs CO 80903 BY FAX: 636-0202. Letters to the Editor Wednesday, March 10. The Circulation Department is responsible for all packaging and distribution functions of The Daily Gazette. Subscribe today. What a shame.” Please limit Thank You note submissions to … A … Letters must be signed and include a telephone number for verification. Likes Domb’s stance on health care I met Mindy Domb at a campaign event this summer. They may be emailed to news@ledgertranscript.com with "Letter to the Editor" in the subject line or sent via U.S. mail to Letter to the Editor, Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, PO Box 36, Peterborough, NH 03458. Post free Announcements classified ads. 10/14/2019 By Bob Fazzi Managing Partner and Founder (retired), Fazzi Associates, Northampton Incredible! Amazing! The Daily Hampshire Gazette has eliminated the Editor in Chief position, according to Brooke Hauser, the Gazette’s Editor in Chief. The Daily Hampshire Gazette is the essential daily news source for the Pioneer Valley from Northampton, MA, in Franklin County. The Daily Hampshire Gazette is the essential daily news source for the Pioneer Valley from Northampton, MA, in Franklin County. Letter to the Editor We welcome letters to the editor online. $150.00 each John 413-584-5807 More Suggests putting solar panels in parking lots Solar power is a necessary part of a healthy future. To submit a letter to the editor for publishing, send an email to newsroom@capegazette.com. The Daily Hampshire Gazette is the essential daily news source for the Pioneer Valley from Northampton, MA, in Franklin County. By Daily Hampshire Gazette Created 12/01/2009 - 10:00 To the editor: The Gazette editorial of Nov. 25 made an argument that would have been compelling in most instances involving local government and conflicts between private entities. 2 Sun Dolphin kayaks. But when faced with one going on in our own time — be it either the Rwandan genocide … However, one significant fact was overlooked by the Gazette editorial staff. The Massachusetts state COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been frustrating at best, and infuriating and potentially life-threatening at worse.For... We all talk regularly about how badly Gov. One serious byproduct of his... Joe Blumenthal: Keeping ‘A Look Back’ in perspective, John Sheehan: ‘Kochland’ is a must-read book, Alex Kent: The difference between Twain and Seuss, Martha Teghtsoonian: Calling the city to do more, John Thompson: Outstanding service at Northampton vax clinic, Nonny Burack: Please dispose masks properly, Northampton Board of Health: City health board grateful for director’s leadership, Joan Bonsignore: The Promise Act would provide a brighter future for all students, Linda Butler: Wants lawmakers to put price on carbon, David P. Hoose: Pays tribute to youth coach Tim Molaghan, Sarah Field: Disappointed with City Council action on police weapons, Jeromie Whalen: Must listen to this generation of students, Barbara Irving: Goldstein-Rose deserves continued support, Julie Rypysc: Commends courage of Goldstein-Rose, Robin W. Doty: Proud of leadership by high schoolers. 29° ... LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Please keep letters to 650 words or fewer. Visionary! The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters for clarity, conciseness, taste, and to prevent libel. Submissions are subject to editing. Free and paid Sales & Auctions classified ads of the Daily Hampshire Gazette Classifieds. Daily Hampshire Gazette Classifieds. Thunderstorms becoming likely late. The New Hampshire Gazette is an eight-page newspaper, published 26 times a year on alternating Fridays. With Hauser gone, Livingston will now assume editorial responsibilities for the Daily Hampshire Gazette, becoming “editor in chief for the Pioneer Valley.” “Basically, I see this change as a collaboration,” Livingston wrote in a Dec. 30 letter to Gazette readers. Windy. You can also write to: Postbag Somerset County Gazette. 10FT w oars and hanging brackets. Letters are published at the sole discretion of the newspaper staff in the order they are received. Your recent guest column about the “A Look Back” feature picked a poor target in the ongoing struggle for women’s and racial equality. On paper, she was my leading choice for our district’s seat in... Kline’s daughter offers perspective I would vote for my mom even if she wasn’t my mom, but since I am lucky enough to be her daughter, I have a... Widow of legislator supports Szynal For more than 30 years, I watched my late husband, Peter Kocot, work for and represent the people of the 1st... Says O’Donnell understands job I first met Ryan O’Donnell five years ago when he was running for the Northampton Ward 3 City Council seat. Typically it’s a subject we don’t want to talk about, but now more than ever we need to face it directly and acknowledge that death comes for everyone eventually. Submit a Letter to the Editor here. An excerpt from the Daily Hampshire Gazette letter to the editor, “All humans deserve ‘death with dignity’,” by Florence resident… Telegram & Gazette: Letters: Doctor supports medical aid in dying Latest news, sports and lifestyle content from Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, and the rest of The Corridor. Subscribe today. Submit. Post free classified ads.