We cannot overturn a decision made by a council on your homelessness application. For example, if the council has written to tell you that you are not homeless, or not in a priority need group, and it has no duty to find you somewhere to live, we would usually expect you to use the review and appeal procedure to challenge that decision. This is known as making a homeless application. You have 21 days from receipt of the assessment letter to request a review of the decision, in effect to appeal the decision. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that all statements in this application are true and correct. Requesting a review of a Homeless Decision If you have made a homeless application and do not agree with the decision reached by the council, you can ask for that decision to be reviewed. Before making an application check if you're entitled to homeless help. If his sister were to ask him to leave, David would be street homeless and I would be very concerned about the risk that this would pose.” This letter was the basis of the written submissions sent to NIHE asking them to review their decision that David was not in Priority Need. DECLARATION OF HOMELESS STATUS . Download a letter to take with you when you go to the council to make a homeless application. This factsheet explains when and how to ask for a review. A repeat application is a homeless application that is made after the local authority has discharged its duty on a previous application. re: decision on your homelessness application – section 184 acceptance of a duty to you under section 195 (2) of the housing act 1996, part 7 because you are threatened with homelessness and we owe you a duty to take reasonable steps to secure that accommodation does … Review notice - this is a letter telling you the outcome of the review you have asked for of the council’s decision about your homelessness application. Appeal - an appeal is an application to the county court for the court to decide if the decision made by the council about your homelessness application is wrong according to the law. Training Examples of repeat applications • Following non priority need decision. That letter will give you information about how you can request a review of the decision, if you disagree with it. This form must be submitted along with a DMV-002 (Application for Driving Privileges or ID Card). Get advice on applying for homeless help from the council, including making an application and challenging a decision. The council will only have a housing duty towards you if you have a priority need as defined by law. Homelessness November 2012 Asking for a review of a decision If you have made a homeless application and do not agree with the decision reached by the Council, you can ask for that decision to be reviewed. After we have fully assessed a homelessness application, we will provide you with a decision letter. Homeless application letter - template. Factsheet 21. The council will look into your situation to decide what help they might be able to give you. • After reasonable offer of accommodation refused. I agree and understand that any misstatement of material facts may cause cancellation and/or denial of There isn't a set time to get a decision, but there shouldn't be an unreasonably long delay. G – the applicant has withdrawn their application for homelessness assistance (sections 195(8)(g) and 189B(7)(f)). Homeless application I'm homeless. • Following intentionally homeless decision. If your homelessness has not been prevented after 56 days of the relief duty then you will be issued with a homeless decision within a maximum of 15 days.. You are homeless but do not have a priority need. Tell the housing or council tax department about any changes in your circumstances for housing benefit or council tax reduction. This leaflet explains when and how to ask for a review. Claiming housing benefit Change in circumstances.