major environmental laws in the philippines ppt

var addy_textb5d3383501a4ffcef4bcafa1b13b2e23 = 'tygaria' + '@' + 'pnri' + '.' + 'dost' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ph';document.getElementById('cloakb5d3383501a4ffcef4bcafa1b13b2e23').innerHTML += ''+addy_textb5d3383501a4ffcef4bcafa1b13b2e23+'<\/a>'; Garcia, Teofilo Y.                       Cruz, Paolo Tristan F.              Enriquez, Eliza B.                       Olivares, Juanario U.Aniago, Ryan Joseph                 Omandam, Vanessa J.Racadio, Charles Darwin T.      dela Sada, Christian L.Mendoza, Christopher O.         delos Santos, Babylinda S. During emergencies that lead to extensive spread of radioactive materials such as nuclear power plant accidents, an on-line radiation monitoring system that provides real-time data of radiation level across the country is extremely indispensable. However, PNRI has limitations in performing radiation measurements, especially during radiation emergencies. To develop civil and scientific applications for radiological data generated from the operation and maintenance of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Radionuclide Monitoring Station (PHP52) and National Data Center (NDC-PH) for the protection of the general public and environment. Republic of the Philippines National Urban Assessment The Urban Operational Plan (UOP) 2012–2020 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) supports ADB developing member countries (DMCs) in expanding their urban economies, improving environmental sustainability, and making pro-poor investments through a 3E approach (Economy, Environment, and Equity). var addy_text0ea07e613b35815602f7aae140c40c10 = 'epvargas' + '@' + 'pnri' + '.' + 'dost' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ph';document.getElementById('cloak0ea07e613b35815602f7aae140c40c10').innerHTML += ''+addy_text0ea07e613b35815602f7aae140c40c10+'<\/a>'; Estrellita U. TaboraSocorro P. IntoyBotvinnik L. Palattao. 3931 [AN ACT CREATING THE NATIONAL WATER AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION]. Philippine environmental laws and government regulations are in place with the intent of protecting the environment and aid people from all walks of life in their pursuit to a balance and healthful ecology. FOREST RESOURCES Forests give invaluable environmental benefits by providing watershed for rivers, habitat for a multitude of flora and fauna species, protector of soils, and regulator of water flows and carbon cycles. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND POLICIES OF THE PHILIPPINES Presidential Decree 984: Pollution Control Law Presidencial Decree 1151: Philippine environmental Policy fisheries and aquatic resources forestry and soil conservation That ends my presentation! Orders for restoration of the environment can also be given to second-time offenders. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring in PNRI Grounds and Vicinities. The amount of 137Cs isotopes released from the reactor explosion posed the greatest risk to health.The protection of humans and the environment from residual wastes and nuclear accidents is an important element of radiation protection and public policy. Major Environmental Laws. Teofilo Y. GarciaSpvng. var addy_text1c172edbedc66e4e26da3574f8fc6bfc = 'rjaniago' + '@' + 'pnri' + '.' + 'dost' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ph';document.getElementById('cloak1c172edbedc66e4e26da3574f8fc6bfc').innerHTML += ''+addy_text1c172edbedc66e4e26da3574f8fc6bfc+'<\/a>'; Garcia, Teofilo Y.                      Enriquez, Eliza B.                      Aniago, Ryan Joseph                Racadio, Charles Darwin T.     Mendoza, Christopher O.        Cruz, Paolo Tristan F.             Olivares, Juanario U.Omandam, Vanessa J.dela Sada, Christian L.delos Santos, Babylinda S. In December of 2014, an EFRD3300 Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor was donated to PNRI by Satrec Initiative of South Korea, through the project of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency. Furthermore, dose rate changes due to temporal variation of natural radionuclides in air (e.g. Due to the proximity of the Philippines to Japan, the possibility of atmospheric contamination (radioactive plume and fallout) reaching the country became an important concern. Source: Food for When the NORM concentrations have been modified in the material, it is called a technologically-enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material, or TENORM. The updated version of the regional database will include data submitted by countries in the Asia-Pacific region after the Fukushima NPP accident. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Current issues of international concern covered by environmental law include ozone layer depletion and global warming, desertification, destruction of tropical rain forests, marine plastics pollution from ships, international trade in endangered species (i.e. var addy_text4ef31a2baa25265683bc3a484ef42b73 = 'lhpalad' + '@' + 'pnri' + '.' + 'dost' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ph';document.getElementById('cloak4ef31a2baa25265683bc3a484ef42b73').innerHTML += ''+addy_text4ef31a2baa25265683bc3a484ef42b73+'<\/a>'; Garcia, Teofilo Y.                               dela Cruz, Fe M.                                 Encabo, Rosario R.                             Cruz, Paolo Tristan F.Mendoza, Christopher O.Omandam, Vanessa J.dela Sada, Christian L.delos Santos, Babylinda S. In the Philippines, industries in which TENORMs are produced include extraction of minerals, mineral sands production (e.g. court It maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system. Philippines. qualified Pinatubo lahar-affected areas. This is due to limitations in the availability of appropriate equipment and skilled personnel to carry out the task of conducting radiation measurements, in addition to the limited financial resources for sampling activities, especially in remote and hard to access areas.Although no nuclear reactor is currently operating in the Philippines, establishing an on-line environmental radiation monitoring system is particularly important due to the fact that the Philippines is situated in a region inclining towards nuclear power generation for energy security. environmental law 3.1 Introduction In the preceding chapter, we left open the question of the principles and concepts that underlie international environmental law and define its con- tours. var addy4f80c507ce1e18e5f6b1f3b49ce85059 = 'comendoza' + '@'; upon the mayor or president thereof. History . This project aims to determine the Concentration Factor (CF) of anthropogenic radioactive nuclide 137Cs, in Philippine green mussels (Perna viridis) under controlled laboratory conditions. Establishment of Real-time Environmental Radiation Monitoring System in the Philippines. Samples of seawater, sediment and biota were collected and analyzed for the key anthropogenic radionuclides cesium-134 and cesium-137. Both radionuclides are fission products and indicators of radionuclide contamination following a nuclear accident.Data generated from this project will be submitted to the Asia-Pacific Marine Radioactivity Database (ASPAMARD). Full text of Republic Act No. CUT. In March 2011, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident in Japan resulted in the largest ever discharge of artificial radioactivity to the marine environment of the Asia-Pacific region. Establishment of a database of concentration factors of anthropogenic radionuclides  in mussels regularly consumed by the Filipino people is thus essential in understanding and quantifying potential risks from exposures to this radionuclide, Cs. The general public should be made aware that NORM/TENORMs  are not under regulatory control because of the nature of their sources. The results will enable us to extrapolate the information obtained in the laboratory to natural conditions. The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) is the sole agency of the government mandated to advance and regulate the safe and peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology in the country. Analysis of radiological data from PHP52 and NDC-PH station. var addy1c172edbedc66e4e26da3574f8fc6bfc = 'tygaria' + '@'; These twin laws … 3 of 1970 proposed 984: Marine Pollution Decree of 1976 Presidential Decree No. The radioactivity released is subsequently dispersed through the atmosphere by the wind currents, which can eventually spread to distant areas, thus reaching the country. Most of the affected residents used the lahar as a substitute for sand to rebuild their houses and also for other new building constructions. When the NORM concentrations have been modified in the material, it is called a technologically-enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material, or TENORM.Human health is not affected in the majority of these situations, as the activity arising from the NORM levels is not very high. destroyed A radon map of the Philippines will then be generated to reflect the baseline levels of radon in dwellings in the entire country. However, when NORM has been significantly concentrated through large-scale industrial production, occupational and public exposure to radiation can become an issue. Apart from this, The project once established, could greatly enhance the emergency preparedness of the Philippines against earthquakes. To measure ambient gamma radiation and to analyze the radioactivity of environmental samples collected in PNRI grounds and its vicinities. Generating Radiological Data from CTBTO Stations in the Philippines: PHP52 and NDC-PH, Supervising   Science Research Specialist. It would be of public interest and relevant in our PNRI Environmental Radioactivity Program to measure any possible release of radioactive materials from these industrial plants into the environment.The Health Physics Research Section of PNRI is undertaking a program to monitor NORMs and TENORMs in industrial plants in the Philippines. The Philippines Economic Update summarizes key economic and social developments, important policy changes, and the evolution of external conditions over the past six months. Philippine Environmental Policy Presidential Decree No. Radiological Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in the Philippine Marine Environment. The CF (which is also known as concentration ratio or bioaccumulation factor) for a marine organism is defined as the ratioof the concentration of a radionuclide in the aquatic organism to its concentration in its marine environment under conditions of equilibrium. Routine operation of the CTBTO Radionuclide Monitoring Station (RN52) in Tanay, Rizal. 984 or The Pollution Control Law, this is also known as the Pollution Control Decree of 1978 is a national policy that is aimed to prevent, avoid, and control pollution of water, air, and land for the more effective utilization of the resources in the country. Ecological Threats . Scenarios such as nuclear power plant accidents, nuclear weapons detonation, attacks on nuclear facilities, and malicious explosive dispersion of radioactive materials can release significant amounts of radionuclides in the environment. An important part of TENORM management strategy is awareness by both the industry and the public, of the radiological hazards of exposure to NORMs/TENORMs. The technologies employed by the CTBTO IMS are classified as Seismic, Hydroacoustic, Infrasound and Radionuclide technologies. life, or damages or destroys the natural habitat necessary for the On matters, however, not related to nuisance, The general public should be made aware that NORM/TENORMs  are not under regulatory control because of the nature of their sources. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; diurnal and seasonal radon and thoron exhalation patterns, and uranium and thorium daughters wash-down during rain events) can also introduce shifts in normal background levels. At present, a number of operating nuclear power plants are identified with its proximity to the Philippines, particularly in Taiwan, along with several nuclear power plants that are to be built in the region in the near future. be This project aims to determine the Concentration Factor (CF) of anthropogenic radioactive nuclide, The CF is therefore used in the assessment of the potential bio-concentration of radioactivity in marine food chains that could lead to humans as well as in the quantification of radioactive contamination in the marine environment. served var addy_text9c8956de5753933c21428aab2a9dd36c = 'fmdelacruz' + '@' + 'pnri' + '.' + 'dost' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ph';document.getElementById('cloak9c8956de5753933c21428aab2a9dd36c').innerHTML += ''+addy_text9c8956de5753933c21428aab2a9dd36c+'<\/a>'; Garcia, Teofilo Y.                        Palad, Lorna Jean H.                     Castillo, Marilyn K.                        Olivares, Juanario U.Racadio, Charles Darwin T. Omandam, Vanessa J.dela Sada, Christian L.    delos Santos, Babylinda S. Radon concentrations will be measured in the Mt. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Many industries which process NORM-containing materials operate without realizing that their operations could give rise to NORM/TENORM wastes. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To contribute to the promotion of the health and safety of the general population through the radiological assessment of radon concentration levels in household dwellings and other sources of radon in the Philippines. However, there remain issues and criticisms on the promotion of RE technologies and on the implementation of the RE laws. 2. made available to the Fisheries Commission. Total number of trees cut from natural forests (1960-2010 ) – 89,191,971 trees Average number of trees harvested from natural forests per year (1960-2010) = 1,748,682 trees. Such notice shall specify the Providing assistance to CTBTO in the renewal of station licenses and in installation of necessary station equipment. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. However, when NORM has been significantly concentrated through large-scale industrial production, occupational and public exposure to radiation can become an issue. It’s the biggest no-fish zone in the world. Determination of Radon Levels in Dwelling Places in the Philippines and Its Possible Implications to Human Health. The Radionuclide Monitoring Station RN52, located in Tanay, Rizal and the National Data Center NDC-137 are being managed and operated by the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute. death, pollution.cralaw. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To further the capacity of the CTBTO to ensure the implementation of the Treaty, the International Monitoring System (IMS) makes use of various technologies to verify the occurrence of possible nuclear events at any location. any order of the Commission, it may order whoever causes such violation To utilize radon in the monitoring of the Valley Fault System (VFS) and Philippine Fault as an earthquake precursor. The importance of this study is to understand the extent to which, Cs, concentrate in water reach into aquatic organisms like mussels. Featured on the World Wide Web by The Law Firm of Chan Robles & Associates - Philippines. Furthermore, quite a number of industries, medical facilities and research institutions are operating in Metro Manila which may knowingly or unknowingly contribute to the increase in environmental radioactivity. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Cs in mussels. investigation, document.getElementById('cloak1d1c75a21e43184a780be76c5f1275ad').innerHTML = ''; thousand pesos. Philippine laws have had various nomenclature designations at different periods in the history of the Philippines, as shown in the following table: Nomenclature designation Abbreviation Form of government Dates Act: Act. Strategic sampling locations have been identified along the Pacific seaboard and in the West Philippine Sea. wastes The determination of concentration factors (CFs) is very important because it constitutes one of the most transfer routes of radioactivity back to man. However, PNRI has limitations in performing radiation measurements, especially during radiation emergencies. A notice shall be serve on the Pro parte hearing after preliminary You need JavaScript enabled to view it. An important part of TENORM management strategy is awareness by both the industry and the public, of the radiological hazards of exposure to NORMs/TENORMs. no The major conservation areas in the region are the Mounts Iglit-Baco and Mount Apo National Parks. recover industrial of the following activities without first securing a permit from the The widespread occurrence of NORMs means that many of the ores and minerals (coal, oil and gas, iron ore, bauxite, phosphate rock), commodities (water, building materials, fertilizer), products (ceramics), and other devices (welding rods, gas mantles, and electronic components) used by humans can obtain NORM. document.getElementById('cloak138c51a2c9803bbedddd06fd68ca0dbb').innerHTML = ''; that there has been a violation of any of the provisions of this Act or Many differences exist between radionuclides regarding their ability to accumulate in aquatic organisms; the. ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an environmental management system and can be certified to. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Activities such as mineral processing, coal burning (for electricity generation) and water treatment can modify the NORM concentrations in the products, byproducts and waste generated by these activities. the reasonable value of the fish or other aquatic life and/or habitat Climate Laws and Policies Sources of financial support to address climate change . of competent jurisdiction, bring an action against such person and responsible Philippine government under United States sovereignty 1900–1935 Commonwealth Act: CA. Teofilo Y. GarciaSupervising   Science Research SpecialistHead, Health Physics Research SectionThis email address is being protected from spambots. The present situation in our region presents various possible wide-scale radiation emergency scenarios that may affect the Philippines. Edmundo P. VargasSenior Science Research SpecialistNuclear materials Research SectionAtomic Research DivisionThis email address is being protected from spambots. The long-lived radionuclides Potassium-40, Uranium, Thorium, and their decay progenies, together with cosmogenic radiation, are the source of natural radioactivity in the environment. Ryan Joseph AniagoScience Research Specialist IIThis email address is being protected from spambots. Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) for the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System DAO 2001-09: General Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of the EIA Review Support Fund DAO 2000-37 Addendum to Article VIII Section 1.0 of DAO 96-37 re: Standard costs and fees for Various Services of the Environmental Management Bureau Both sides of the The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident has resulted in the direct discharge of radioactive materials into the coastal environment. No investigation being conducted and the place where a public hearing will be held by the Commission or hearing: such violation be discontinued unless adequate sewage works or addyb5d3383501a4ffcef4bcafa1b13b2e23 = addyb5d3383501a4ffcef4bcafa1b13b2e23 + 'pnri' + '.' + 'dost' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'ph'; 1151: The Water Code of the Philippines Presidential Decree No. Currently, four CTBTO monitoring stations located around the Philippines are being operated and maintained. Christopher O. MendozaScience Research Specialist IThis email address is being protected from spambots. Philippine Commonwealth: 1935–1946 Republic Act: RA. This gap can lead to an impeded and ineffective response that poses risks to the safety and protection of the general public during radiation emergencies. This is due to limitations in the availability of appropriate equipment and skilled personnel to carry out the task of conducting radiation measurements, in addition to the limited financial resources for sampling activities, especially in remote and hard to access areas. destroyed. For these reasons, a research project for measuring and evaluating indoor radon concentrations, specifically in the lahar- affected areas, is hereby warranted.Measurement of radon levels in the different type of dwellings such as houses, private and public buildings, and schools nationwide will be conducted. The radionuclides can result to a significant increase in environmental radiation levels over a wide area, causing  mass exposure of the public.The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant that occurred in March 2011 resulted in a widespread release of anthropogenic radionuclides to the environment. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. Environmental law is a collective term encompassing aspects of the law that provide protection to the environment. Lastly, the radioactivity data obtained can serve as baseline or reference levels to investigate the effects of nuclear related activities or accidents that may occur in the future. or Reorganization Plan No. The project aims to study the level/amount of radon gas in soils at selected sites, primarily along the Valley Fault Systems and the Philippine Fault, and correlate it to the movement of fault lines and occurrence of earthquakes. Any amount so recovered shall be placed in the funds In December of 2014, an EFRD3300 Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor was donated to PNRI by Satrec Initiative of South Korea, through the project of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency.