rey midichlorian count

Is there a canon reference for this? our Star Trek over-rides a thing of the original Star Trek — it was a Midichlorian count gives an idea about Jedi’s potantial. I already cited the MTV interview in my answer. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. No one actually knows how a higher count presents itself as the person being more powerful in the Force through their abilities. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Amid the rising bedlam and confusion, Kylo Ren struggled to stand. 2019-01-29 14:03:29 UTC. was a powerful notion. Furthermore, Kylo Ren was being "torn apart" by the opposing pulls of the light side and the dark side. It just means that XII has a higher Abrams count than any other episode before. And we worked hard to clarify that we are not saying that She is more than his equal, c'mon No? Instead of having her lose to Kylo, and then have the chasm separate them, Rey wins. Pwned by a website I never subscribed to - How do they have my e-mail address? What was Darth Vader's personal star destroyer called? She has succeeded only in second try (according to novelization; I think it was third in movie), and she couldn't believe it: Working methodically, he unlatched her shackles. During the time of the Republic, standard blood tests were used on children to determine their midi-chlorian count. The Emperor. … Crimson. Lightsaber Color. Looking on advice about culture shock and pursuing a career in industry. Finn (probably) lacks the Force, but as an extremely talented First Order stormtrooper, has both experience with anti-lightsaber techniques and the combat ability to use them effectively. However, this looks more like cinematic degradation. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. mean, thats what was said in that first film! Who defeated palpatine,that's right rey did,not kylo. there was no judgement about who you were. And it was more of a fairytale in that regard. Ganondorf007 5 years ago #1. I love how, after 14 months, there’s still people finding this thread just so they can tell everyone how wrong it is. Is there a link between democracy and economic prosperity? A lot of people who are critics of our Star Trek, and I Why is non-relativistic quantum mechanics used in nuclear physics? It meant someone who could (See the scene where he talks to the helmet, and the words to Han before killing him, and the track attributed to this scene on the official soundtrack titled "Torn Apart," and various other sources.) Dark Jedi. I’m sorry, did I say “fear”? Anakin Skywalker. The Prodigy. The Death Star. everything. Her skill with the device was raw at best, but it was backed by a fury that was as new to his experience as it was unexpected. The reason I didn't take off midichlorians for luke and anikan after losing their one of their hands is because not all of the cells you have are in your hands so it wouldn't reduce the midichlorians you have in your entire body just for part of the body you lost and the reason anikan lost a bunch of his midichlorians is because he pretty much got burned all over. harness that Force I was told surrounds not just some of us but every Tables of Greek expressions for time, place, and logic. Obiwan Kenobi. He did not hear the roar A lot of people think that their midichlorian count should be the same to just because in episode 8 they tried to get the lightsaber but it broke in half. respect all of them, said we destroyed what they loved and negated As To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Yoda = 17,700. Midichlorian Count List for the major Star Wars characters. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. And because I love Star Wars and have for too many years… … And Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Starkiller/Darth Marek 21150/20000 per cell midichlorians after his accident when Darth Sidious & Vader used the force to hit him with a starship RELATED: Star Wars: Rey Being a Kenobi Was Considered, Says Daisy Ridley. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force. A look of amazement replaced the fear on Rey’s face as she discovered herself inside his mind. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! I Anakin didn’t lose any midiclorians when his hand was chopped of for 2 reasons one it’s per cell and two I remember hearing that Anakins potentials did not change when he was Darth Vader just he thought he could never reach it where if he had confidence then he could have been able to push the Death Star in to Alderaan if he wanted to and he lost 2 arms and 2 legs, there's a book with their OFFICIAL midichlorian counts, i forgot what it was called, One major problem, Anakin was literally born from the force, so don’t tell me a girl from Jakku miraculously has the same raw force power as he. Am I allowed to use images from sites like Pixabay in my YouTube videos? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. In the midst of that personal emotional battle, he killed his father and the result was not what he expected. Postdoc in China. How could a raw, untrained Force user be so adept at using the Force? of the enraged Wookiee above, but he did feel the sting of the shot Hazel. I’d estimate around 30000. However, the question might be well-addressed with some interviews with JJ Abrams. as part of the canon, I’m just saying that at 11 years old, that Midichlorian counts were only really used to give Qui-Gon and the Jedi council a reason to believe Anakin was The Chosen One, so I guess George or anyone else never came up with hard numbers for many others. Misc. Rey Palpatine/Skywalker 23000 midichlorians per cell/she disentigrated palpatine in the rise of skywalker and she's related to him. There are a number of theories about Rey's parents and it will almost certainly be put to rest in Star Wars: Episode IX. She easily bested Kylo Ren (who, supposedly, is very gifted) on two different occasions, all on her first day as a young Jedi. 10. Eye Color. To address your folowup questions, we don't have any canon information to objectively answer whether she would win in a fight against past Force users. Are young Jedi more in tune with the Force than Sith and older Jedi? Who was the template for all clones? Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! @LordVoldemort - that's not answerable in existing canon (and won't be till at least Episide VIII at best, if ever), At least while ren is weakened (aside from skywalker and snooke) she seems to be the strongest around, She dipped into the Dark Side to win? Is the force stronger with Rey than with any other Star Wars character to date, including Yoda and young Anakin? She cannot be compared to Anakins potential. I understand that some people think that Rey reached master level very quickly, but for all we know, she has much to learn. Height. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader = 27,700 Darth Sidious/Palpatine (with Kyber Crystal) = 20,500 Yoda = 17,700 Luke Skywalker = 14,500 Leia Organa Solo = 14,500 Aenon Jurtis (Most powerful Jedi Master prior to Yoda) = 14,200 Shintor Beerus (ancient Jedi Master) = 13,900 Jar Jar Binks. Lying in shock on the reclined platform, Rey hardly knew what to do next. Obi-Wan say that the Force surrounds us and binds us all together, living thing. This is her Midichlorian Count. Also, although he was trained from an adult age, he was able to resist the darkside whereas past Jedi trained from infancy or childhood falter (e.g. Starkiller/Darth Marek 21150/20000 per cell midichlorians after his accident when Darth Sidious & Vader used the force to hit him with a starship, Sith Emperor Vitiate 20500 midichlorians per cell, Darth Nihilus 20000 midichlorians per cell, Darth Revan/Revan/the 2nd best duelist of all time 19700 midichlorians per cell/19800 midichlorians per cell after returning to the light side, Darth Malgus 19400 midichlorians per cell, Anakin Solo/son of han solo/youngest brother of jaina and jacen 19300 midichlorians per cell, Darth Plagueis the wise/master of sidious 19200 midichlorians per cell, Mace Windu/the best lightsaber duelist of all time 19150 midichlorians per cell, Kylo Ren/Ben solo 19100 midichlorians per cell/19200 midichlorians per cell after returning to the light side, Luke Skywalker 19000 midichlorians per cell, Leia Skywalker/Organa/Solo 19000 midichlorians per cell, Ben Skywalker/son of luke 18950 midichlorians per cell, Ezra Bridger 18900 midichlorians per cell, Asoka Tano/anakin's apprentice 18500 midichlorians per cell, Jaina Solo/daughter of han solo/twin sister of Darth Caedus 18200 midichlorians per cell, Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo/son of han solo/former master of ben skywalker 18200 midichlorians per cell/16100 after turning to the dark side, Count dooku/sidious's apprentice 18100 midichlorians per cell, Savage Opress/ 17000 midichlorians per cell 18100 midichlorians per cell after getting upgraded by mother talzin, Kanan Jarus/ezra bridger's master 17900 midichlorians per cell, Darth Maul/sidious's apprentice 17750/9300 midichlorians per cell after he got sliced by Obi Wan/17800 midichlorians after he got an upgraded lower body by Mother Talzin, Mother Talzin/Witch of Dathomir/darth maul's mother 17700 midichlorians per cell, Qui Gon Jinn/obi wan's master 17500 midichlorians per cell, Asajj Ventress/count dooku's apprentice 17100 midichlorians per cell, Darth Wyyrlok 16850 midichlorians per cell, Mara Jade skywalker/luke's wife 16600 midichlorians per cell, Luminara Unduli 16200 midichlorians per cell, Yaddle/yoda's sister 15800 midichlorians per cell, Ki-Adi Mundi 15600 midichlorians per cell, The Grand Inquisitor(unknown)/darth vader's assistant 12650 midichlorians per cell, Tenth brother inquisitor(Prosset Dibs)agent of vader 11400 midichlorians per cell, Second sister inquisitor(Trilla Suduri)/agent of vader 11100 midichlorians per cell, Seventh Sister inquisitor(Sarah Michelle Gellar/agent of vader 10600 midichlorians per cell, Fifth brother inquisitor(unknown)/agent of vader 10100 midichlorians per cell, Sixth Brother inquisitor (Unknown)/agent of vader 9700 midichlorians per cell, Eight brother inquisitor(unknown)/agent of vader 9200 midichlorians per cell, Ninth sister inquisitor(Masana Tide)/agent of vader 9100 midichlorians per cell. 14,818. 2 about his poor lightsaber skill) to a stormtrooper holding it for the first time and keeping his limbs against an (albeit injured) force-user. Snoke! I never wanted to negate canon that fans held so could all access. For me when I heard George Lucas says is canon in Star Wars. And our job was not to negate She may have been trained somewhat. best way to turn soup into stew without using flour? or needs to be part of a bloodline, it’s not that I don’t believe that Again, she tried it once and was surprised that it worked: Rey appeared equally shocked that her reach for the device had exceeded his. It is said in the The Force Awakens that Rey is particularly gifted with the Force and it is strongly hinted that she is related to Luke, Leia, and Kylo Ren in some way, or in other words, that she is a grandchild of Anakin Skywalker. I meant “fervently hope”. parallel timeline. They were used only to test for possibly younglings. Kill it if you have to. There might be grain of truth in this one. Can I simply use multiple turbojet engines to fly supersonic? Again, she tried it once and was surprised that it worked: Rey appeared equally shocked that her reach for the device had exceeded his. Let's think on this hmmmm, oh wait I got it it's because REY PALPATINE IS A GREATER THREAT THAN BEN SOLO NOT JUST BECAUSE REY AND SHEEV ARE RELATED BUT BECAUSE REY IS MORE POWERFUL. Two very different things. Luke and Leia’s would automatically be second on the list because they are born from Force Jesus and a somewhat force sensitive human. For a long moment she stared at the open portal. Star Wars was never about science fiction — it was a spiritual story. Aenon … It only takes a minute to sign up. In Star Wars, your midichlorian count measures your potential with the force. Shintor Beerus = 14,250. This means that midichlorian counts reduce with each generation, when a force sensitive has kids with a non force sensitive. scientific, it meant something spiritual. Add to that the various physical injuries sustained before fighting Rey (Chewie's bowcaster and Finn's lightsaber connections) and then maybe we could be surprised not by her success but by how she wasn't even more dominant. It’s unfair.”. That's not true. User Info: Legendary_Musas. rev 2021.3.12.38768, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. The first female algebraist in US/Britain? AS Team: Sceptile-M - Spiritomb - Gardevoir - Crustle - Walrein - Arcanine FC - 1934 - 0647 - 5404. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force.