sheffield council interactive map

The aim of a canopy cover assessment is to help decision makers understand their urban forest resources, particularly the amount of tree canopy that currently exists and the amount that could exist. GOV.UK Coronavirus dashboard. Chapter House Sheffield's filthiest and muckiest streets have been revealed. The area shaded blue on the map represents the extent of Sheffield Council. A member of the UK’s prestigious Russell Group of leading research-led institutions, Sheffield offers world-class teaching and research excellence across a wide range of disciplines. Have you had a similar Amey experience? He claimed he wasn’t like other Amey supervisors that don’t care or respond to problems. He insisted that it was company policy not to give out contact details for any Amey department, so I couldn’t contact his boss. Sheffield is the only university to feature in The Sunday Times 100 Best Not-For-Profit Organisations to Work For 2018 and for the last eight years has been ranked in the top five UK universities for Student Satisfaction by Times Higher Education.Sheffield has six Nobel Prize winners among former staff and students and its alumni go on to hold positions of great responsibility and influence all over the world, making significant contributions in their chosen fields. The old map was a bit random and a lot of the data was out of date. The vast ice sheet sculpted the landscape, leaving behind landforms which have allowed researchers to piece together how the ice sheet grew, flowed and disappeared. So, in light of that, the Council, as part of its application to Government for the Streets Ahead project, received funding to manage the city’s highway tree stock. Compliance with National Joint Utility Group Guidance & British Standard 5837 would avoid such damage. We hope to be able to provide more detail about the current situation of housing in Sheffield shortly, and will produce an interactive map showing more information. For a more detailed map, please contact our Planning Department by email at Beyond that, we just don’t know. You can use this facility to: Find places using a postcode, street, town/village; Move around the map and zoom in or out However, alternative highway engineering construction specifications can address all these problems and avoid felling. East Sussex Well done the council another own goal! Skip to content. See the UK as it was over 100 years ago, with buildings, roads, quarries and even some of the footpaths. This details support offered by street level groups such as mutual aid, and community hubs. To stop selecting features, close this panel either by using the cross at the top-right of the panel or by clicking the Select tool a second time. We’d like to set additional cookies so we can remember your settings, understand how people use the service and make improvements. Sheffield City Council have opened up consultation on their budget proposals for 2021/22. Urban Canopy Cover is an easy-to-understand concept that is useful in communicating messages about our urban forests with both the public and policy makers., View the current University of Sheffield website, Online map produced by University of Sheffield researchers reveals how major cities were affected by the last glacial cycle 22,000 years ago, People can type in their area or postcode to see how their area was affected and see the landforms that might be nearby. In terms of damaging, yes, again, there is a degree of judgement and, erm, and, you know, if something can be done, IF AN ENGINEERING SOLUTION CAN BE APPLIED, THEN IT WILL BE APPLIED. Friend's name. Footway ridging and kerb disruption is being categorised as damaging and dangerous, with ridging also classed as DISCRIMINATORY (hindering access & mobility). This map was created by a user. Find trails, boundaries, landscape features and places of interest. Prior to 1 October 2013 deposits were valid for 10 years but this has now been increased to 20 years. With almost 29,000 of the brightest students from over 140 countries, learning alongside over 1,200 of the best academics from across the globe, the University of Sheffield is one of the world’s leading universities. So, we’re now looking to deal with DISCRIMINATORY trees…”. If accessed using a Bristol City Council laptop, download the tool to a network drive to enable the macros. We can see how it dammed rivers, creating large glacial lakes which covered Manchester, Doncaster and Peterborough. 18,000 TREES FACE THE AXE (50% Of highway trees)! Business and Housing: Business and Industry: Business Area: Cemetery: City Centre Core Retail: City Centre Shopping Street: Conservation Area: Controlled Night Time Uses Zone Just to remind you, STEVE ROBINSON (SCC Head of Highway Maintenance) COMMENTED, at the inaugural meeting of the Highway Trees Advisory Forum, on 23rd July, 2015: “We had a survey carried out by an independent firm in 2006/2007 that identified that there was 10,000 trees – that’s out of a highway tree stock of 36,000 – that required some type of intervention, and they recommended that there was a process of SUSTAINABLE replacement. Register of Definitive Map Modification Order Applications pursuant to Section 53B of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 Sheffield City Council, United Kingdom. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. That word was used earlier. We use cookies for analytics. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. ... As you zoom in, the boundary line may not be exact but it will be a close representation. The map is live, and a work in progress; it points to where you can go to get information or support; or to offer to volunteer. Global research partners and clients include Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Unilever, AstraZeneca, Glaxo SmithKline, Siemens and Airbus, as well as many UK and overseas government agencies and charitable foundations. Live coronavirus figures. Ward profile reports. THE ACT DOES NOT SET OUT SPECIFIC STANDARDS OF MAINTENANCE, as IT IS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL LOCAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY TO ASSESS which parts of its network are in need of repair and WHAT STANDARDS SHOULD BE APPLIED, based upon their local knowledge and circumstances. Derbyshire Dales District Council administration are covers the main towns of Bakewell, Matlock, Wirksworth and Ashbourne. Send Cancel. People in South Yorkshire are being asked to give their views on their experiences of walking and cycling, through a new interactive map launched by the Sheffield City Region. All were TOTALLY ignored. If you click on each tree you will see the replacement species and other information. The contract allows 18,000 to be felled. Enter postcode: Search. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have made the decision to postpone all of our public face-to-face engagement events and meetings for the safety of our staff, stakeholders and communities. Data from NHS UK and Public Health England. On 29th January, Amey came knocking to request a car be moved so a hole could be dug for a street light, within 90cm of the trunk of my 25yo tree. Unfortunately that data is not available to the general public in an easily accessible form except on this map. Agenda Slides Transcript Map … On 23rd July, 2015, at the inaugural meeting of the Highway Trees Advisory Forum, Steve Robinson (SCC Head of Highway Maintenance) commented: “The other three Ds – Diseased, Damaging and Discriminatory – there is a degree or, erm, of judgement to be taken on it. I did. Accept. Free Postcode Area and District maps of sheffield. It consists of: a policy document and a proposals map. Tel: 0845 460 4700 Travel back in time! If you have not used this site before, we suggest that you read the help page before using the map interface. Petally. Media Relations Officer ( Log Out /  Learn how to create your own. It provides interactive mapping that allows you to find a variety of information. TREES: CITY-WIDE ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION CONTINUES: 1,000 HIGHWAY TREES FELLED IN 4 MONTHS. And then, because the Council is actually improving its footpaths, we are obliged to consider equality. ( Log Out /  I seem to be organising the campaign for them so perhaps it makes sense to move the border of Save Norfolk Park Trees to include that part of the city centre. Login … Every day, people dump waste illegally on roads, lanes, verges and paths across the city and a lot of these incidents are flagged to the council's fly-tipping teams. 298 (86.88%) of local authorities perform better than Sheffield Council. N/A cases. He said this is unacceptable but that his arboricultural team had worked with Graeme Symonds’s (Amey’s Core Investment Project Director) highway construction team to develop a range of alternative highway engineering specifications for footway and kerb construction, which the Council have not mentioned or made available to the public. Search Site Search. The map below shows that there are more than 100 massive developments in Leeds and reveals the true scale of just how much our city is changing. Thankfully, a brilliant interactive map has been pulled together which shows exactly where each major construction project in Leeds is taking place. Reset. Where Do I Sign? It is the type of disease, the effect that disease will have on the tree’s life, err, whether it turns out to be dangerous, so on and so forth, and those judgements are made by tree people. The 2006/07 highway tree survey (commissioned and paid for by the Council) said 75% of trees are mature (including over mature), according to officials (Streets Ahead; SCC: website & David Caulfield; Amey: Jeremy Willis; also, Cllr Terry Fox: 74%; Cllr Leigh Bramall: 70%). It is applied in the circumstances where there are reasonable grounds for concern that an activity is, or could, cause harm but where there is uncertainty about the probability of the risk and the degree of harm.” Article 6 of the Treaty provides that environmental protection requirements are to be integrated into the definition of Community policies and activities, in particular with a view to promoting sustainable development.” Detailing all the districts of sheffield as free downloadable pdf files. Electrification, automation and digitalisation require innovative solutions: Discover Siemens as a strong partner, technological pioneer and responsible employer. Many of these will have been subsequently classed as damaging or discriminatory (campaigners haven’t asked how many actually are) by Amey, when they commissioned their own highway tree survey in 2012, as they are associated with pavement ridging and the dislodgement of kerb stones. 44 (12.83%) of local authorities perform worse than Sheffield Council. The same day, it was also sent as a letter to THE STAR newspaper, but they have clearly chosen not to publish it. The online BRITICE map allows people to type in their postcode or city to look at how their area was affected and see the landforms that might be nearby – such as moraines recording the margin of the ice sheet. Use our interactive HS2 route map to find destinations HS2 goes to to from your chosen station. Polegate I was instructed to contact Streets Ahead Customer Services (SACS: provided by Amey) if I wanted my objections to be considered and that regardless, a hole WOULD be dug in 3 days’ time. Budget & spending . Has anybody asked what variety of trees are being put in place instead of our fallen/felled mature trees? Open navigation Search Share. Generally they appearing to be doing comparable trees although of course the big trees will take many decades to develop into proper canopy trees. Sheffield City Council Budget Review Consultation Local people are being asked... James Hargreaves 12 January 2021. We use some essential cookies to make this service work. Latest health reports state that watching birds in the location of your home is good for you. Home Page Council News Room Site Map Ask a question Website - information and help Listening and Learning: Compliments, comments and complaints Access Keys. Email: More from this publisher All datasets from Sheffield City Council Related datasets. What is the financial value of our trees? The University of Sheffield’s Department of Geography is one of the largest departments in the country in terms of undergraduate numbers, and places on courses are amongst the most-sought-after in the UK. He stated: “We are replacing about 70% of the City’s footways over the first FIVE YEARS. SO, AMEY IDENTIFIED THOSE TREES AND ADDRESSED THOSE FIRST.”, “Our next priority is to improve the condition of our roads and pavements. The Government has agreed to adopt and apply the precautionary principle in its agreement to Agenda 21at the Earth Summit meeting at Rio, in 1992, which states: “Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.’ (Principle 15)”. In the meantime, for more information about CLT please follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Please could you add the 4 Fitzalan Square Plane Trees to the map. New Electric Car Charging Points Coming to Sheffield in February. ( Log Out /  The University of Sheffield RT @cypmedtech: Only 2 days until the UK's first Child Health Technology Conference #CHT2021 early bird deadline, Book by 5pm on Friday 1…; RT @InvestMonitorAI: Brought to its knees in the 1980s, Sheffield’s resurgence has shone brightest over the past decade thanks to advanced…; RT @MarketingSheff: “The big, green, weird giant that is #Sheffield has awoken.” Currently, there are no balanced risk assessments – valuation of benefits and cost:benefit analyses NEEDED. He claimed that he had given his phone number to my neighbour and that if there were any problems all we had to do was call him. It also seeks to repair the city’s infrastructure… So, we believe that the Streets Ahead project offers a unique opportunity to MANAGE, MAINTAIN AND REPLACE trees, and to offer a generational shift to leave a lasting legacy. Loading... N/A deaths. This service is based upon the council's Geographic Information System (GIS). Find out more about the BRITICE-CHRONO project. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The author has given permission for me to post it here, in its entirety, for your benefit. Search Find data Data links Link to the data Format File added Data preview; Download UDP GeoJSON , Format: … Local Authority Selector: Select a Local Authority from this list and click 'Go'. Summary of Local Authorities and Smoke Control Areas: Return to UK Map. LINK:, I’ve just seen Dave Dillner (Sheffield Tree Action Groups) on TV, on Rustlings Road! Steve Robinson (SCC Head of Highway Maintenance) gave a presentation at the second Streets Ahead Highway Tree Advisory Forum meeting, on 2nd September, 2015. Your email. There are a few streets missing from this map, please let me know if you spot one, and I would be grateful to know about trees showing here in red or yellow that have now been felled. Urban Forest Cover or Canopy is the layer of leaves, branches, and stems of trees that cover the ground when viewed from above. Treeconomics Ltd Below is a list of available maps. BRITICE map and GIS database of the glaciated landscape of the British Isles is the most complete overview of glacial landforms to date – containing more than 170,000 landforms from over 100 years of field investigation. Many trees are being felled because Amey predict they will be severely damaged during resurfacing works. TO DATE, >3,500 TREES HAVE BEEN FELLED (1,000 SINCE 23rd JULY, 2015). Welcome to the Sheffield City Region’s Active Travel Map “This map is for you, the people who make journeys on foot or by bike across our region every day. It is precisely this kind of reckless damage that is likely to bring about the “catastrophic decline” in the number of highway trees that Cllr Bramall and Streets Ahead have predicted, because 27,000 of highway trees are mature and particularly vulnerable to negligent acts and omissions that arise as a result of non-compliance with current good practice: such as that detailed in letters from Save Our Roadside Trees campaigners (SORT), addressed to Cllr Fox, available in the “Resources” section at the website. Sheffield. So, based on what we know, we can expect 14,500 more trees to be felled before 2018. Planning applications; Building regulations; Planning policy ; Conservation; Tree work and preservation (TPOs) View all sections in Planning and buildings; Bins and recycling. On 8th Feb, they stuck a lighting column in the hole. The programme has involved more than 70 scientists from around the world who have visited 28 different islands, collected more than 15 tonnes of samples from 914 sites and steamed 7,942km on marine expeditions. Four days later, and the day after telling two of my local Councillors David Wain and Steve Robinson (SCC Environmental Technical Officer & SCC Head of Highway Maintenance, respectively: “experts” on the Highway Tree Advisory Forum panel) that a complaint investigation was underway, Amey excavated a hole. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Measuring canopy cover has helped city planners, urban foresters, mayors, councils, local authorities, and communities see trees and forests in a new way, focusing attention on green infrastructure as a key component of community planning, sustainability and resilience. One objection was that the light would be just over 8m metres from our bedroom windows (as high as our roof), so would represent a nuisance. BN26 6QU Tap on the map or search postcode to see figures. The Cornwall Local Plan Policies Maps. Waste Recycling Performance. Change ), How to Contact your Elected Representatives, Solutions to the Sidewalk and Tree Roots Conflict. Mr Houston insisted he wasn’t prepared to discuss any of my suggestions or objections with his boss and that he would stick to the plan. This is a fully funded £2.2bn city-wide project that threatens 75% of highway trees: 27,000 MATURE HIGHWAY TREES. The old map was a bit random and a lot of the data was out of date. Waste and Recycling Rates for Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council 2017-18 Waste Recycling Performance. Transportation Professional said this figure applied to the core investment period – the first 5yrs of the Amey PFI contract! Download the interactive ward data tool (xlsm, 7MB) (opens new window) The interactive tool needs Microsoft Excel to run. …(1) Article 174 of the Treaty provides that Community policy on the environment is to contribute to, inter alia, the PRESERVATION, PROTECTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN HEALTH AND THE PRUDENT AND RATIONAL UTILISATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THAT IT IS TO BE BASED ON THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE. The Cornwall Local Plan Policies Maps . 0114 222 1046 Your name. Ordnance Survey. Treeconomics Ltd is a social enterprise, an organisation that applies commercial strategies to maximise improvements in human and environmental wellbeing, rather than maximising profits for external shareholders. Map of the Sheffield Council Area. Sheffield City Council is also the Local Education Authority (LEA) and as such manages all states schools and their associated staff. This is a new map compiled in January 2016, and updated to focus on the trees that have been condemned for felling in 2016. These local authority maps have been produced by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in collaboration with the University of Sheffield. Filters on the left hand side enable you to see community hubs which are more structured, and trusted partners of VAS. CovidLiveUK. […] Amey claimed to have investigated my objections, requests and suggestions. Another objection was that not only did positioning a light so close to my tree represent non-compliance with industry good practice, but excavation so close to the tree, particularly with digging machinery and without an arboricultural supervision, would be likely to cause serious damage to roots of my tree (private property) that could, as Amey have repeatedly stated, result in decay and compromise structural integrity, therefore causing increased risk of danger to people and property and increased exposure to liability. Furthermore, 10,000 trees require treatments (removal of epicormic shoots, crown reduction, deadwooding, etc) and most of those, if not all, will be mature trees. This one has been compiled from information issued to residents by Sheffield City Council as part of their tree felling consultation, including detailed street maps showing the location of individual trees. 1900s Historic Map. OS Explorer and OS Landranger scale maps for the whole of the UK. His words echoed those reported in the December 2012 issue of ‘Transportation Professional’ (a Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation publication), when Steve Robinson (SCC Head of Highway Maintenance) was interviewed. Six months since Save Our Roadside Trees (SORT) highlighted Amey’s plans to fell thousands of healthy, safe highway trees on the basis that they damage pavements and kerbs, Cllr Leigh Bramall’s (Deputy Leader of the Council: Lab) words from the meeting of full council, on 1st July, 2015, remain a cause for deep concern: “THE CONTRACT SAYS UP TO 50% OF TREES CAN BE REMOVED, ERM, AND ACTUALLY THAT’S 18,000.”. Cllr Fox stated, at the meeting of full Council, in the Town Hall, on 1st July 2015: “We had an independent survey done in 2006-2007 which helps us inform our priorities for the formation of the contract…”, “The survey noted that 74% of our mature tree stock with very few young trees has given this combination the RATE OF DECLINE EVIDENCE BY THE NUMBER OF TREES NEEDING TREATMENT.”. It often takes SACS a month to respond to enquiries, when they bother. National Cycle Network . The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) Consultation Map is an interactive map that shows many of the Draft GMSF policies spatially. Skip to Main Content; Home; Webcast library; Help; More. Home; Webcast library; Help; Council - Wednesday, 3rd March 2021 at 2:00pm - Sheffield City Council Webcasting. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. There can be no excuse for non-compliance with arboricultural and urban forestry good practice! A live map showing coronavirus cases and deaths across the UK. Welcome to the Sheffield Covid support map. By using this website you agree to our use of cookies. Council - Wednesday, 3rd March 2021 at 2:00pm - Sheffield City Council Webcasting . Available Maps. However, it is reasonable to assume that Amey will concentrate on phasing out the remainder of 27,000 trees: at least 9,000 mature trees, as Streets Ahead believe these trees are near the end of their life, on the basis that they are mature and require “treatment” of one kind or another. Unified by the power of discovery and understanding, staff and students at the university are committed to finding new ways to transform the world we live in. Err, there was a lots [sic] of comment made earlier on about whether a tree is removed as a last resort; and a tree is removed as a LAST RESORT. If you spot anything incorrect or confusing please let us know. As they did the work, lights in our home flickered and our boiler (just months old) was damaged and stopped working, as did the electric ignition on our cooker. Hannah Postles Ice also covered the entirety of Ireland, flowing through the Irish Sea, where it coalesced with Welsh ice, causing it to flow southward toward the Isles of Scilly.”. . The BRITICE-CHRONO project, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, has seen researchers work for six years to model the build-up and retreat of the last British-Irish ice sheet. As well as the online map, a physical accompanying map poster has been distributed to all secondary schools in the UK to assist pupils studying glacial landscapes and processes as part of their GCSE and A Level studies. Cllr Fox, Mr Wain and Mr Robinson have all refused to provide contact details for the SCC people most directly responsible for the supervision, monitoring and enforcement of standards for highway works in close proximity to trees. Show Your Council sub menu; News & Events; Toggle search control visibility. MapIt: a web service that maps postcodes and geographical points to administrative areas. Mr Butt is aware that many of the 36,000 highway trees classed as “mature or over-mature (75%) are likely to be causing “pavement ridging” or disturbing kerb alignment.