west point officer

Consolidation and Space. The swords are issued to cadets in their First Class (4th) year, and are returned to the Academy upon separation. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. A predictable budget allows us to plan and prioritize so as to provide a consistent infrastructure for the accomplishment of the Academy mission. Henry L. Abbott. Jedes Jahr am 25. Educating leaders of character is a reference to both the cadet graduates that enter, and the rotating military officers that return to the Army. We succeed. Die größte Vorauswahl stellt die persönliche Empfehlung durch einen Abgeordneten des US-Kongresses bzw. 56 cadets graduated Cadets who served in the Civil War James W. Abert 55 Major USA Barton S. Alexander 7 Major USA Corps of Engineers Richard Heron Anderson 40 Lieutenant General Alexander G. Beckwith 13 Colonel James G. Benton 11 … Continue reading → Information Assurance. [4] Jährlich bewerben sich etwa 11.000 Personen, von denen knapp 1.300 zum neuen Jahrgang zugelassen werden.[5]. Refusal to Fail.  US Air Force Academy (USAFA) | Client Support. Viele der Offiziere, die am Sezessionskrieg teilnahmen, waren zuvor in West Point ausgebildet worden. Our principal focus is the development of leaders of character as enumerated by the academic program goals in Educating Future Army Officers for a Changing World. Even after more than twenty years in uniform, it still surprises me what I don’t know about my own profession, and what I still have to learn from my NCOs. West Point Passport and Visa Services Mission. Honesty and Ethical Behavior. Additionally, we must consolidate branch websites into a single USMA CIO/G6 site so as to provide a single interface to access our services. These resources (wireless and wired network, servers, email) must be managed so that failures are resolved before the failure is visible to our customers. Some 977 graduates of West Point were alive at the start of the war. 925 Main St, West Point, VA 23181. We cooperate and collaborate transparently to reach the best solution for the Military Academy. The Military Academy will employ a growing number of networked computing devices that must be integrated to provide common educational picture. West Point Military Academy. The Information and Educational Technology Division leads information and educational technology in support of the Military Academy's mission to develop leaders of character with a focus on the academic program. We strive to develop better ways to educate and contribute to the accomplishment of the Academy mission. Proactive Resource Management. Infrastructure. We support the development of leaders of character by providing the information and educational infrastructure for cadets, staff, and faculty to accomplish their missions. Any classroom is a lab. Each faculty member must have a reliable PDA that is less than three years old and appropriate for his or her duties. IT support for education is mission critical and time sensitive. U.S. Army Garrison West Point Your new Enterprise Web developmental page. Each collaborative place must have a networked computing device less than four years old, a projector less than five years old, wireless network access with adequate bandwidth, and appropriate control and discipline specific hardware as required. The Military Academy is the premier leader development institution in the world. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 1.837.000+ postings in West Point, GA and other big cities in USA. Rund um ihr Gelände sind Lautsprecher aufgestellt, über die Anweisungen an die Neuankömmlinge gerichtet werden. Decentralized Structure.  US Naval Academy (USNA) | West Point stellt hohe Anforderungen an aufzunehmende Personen. Immediately following the war in 1945, Maxwell Taylor (class of 1922) became superintendent. Users must have access to the appropriate information that they need, when they need it, in the appropriate formats. We must transform, not translate, business processes to take advantage of web-based computing. Your new Enterprise Web developmental page. Judson D. Bingham. Bis heute finden sich an den Festungsmauern Kanonen aus dieser Zeit. West Point Military Academy ... Part III: Tactical Officers (the Eisenhower Program) Q: How important is the impact of a company Tactical Officer on overall cadet development? West Point Officers in the Civil War – Class of 1860 West Point Officers in the Civil War – Class of 1860 41 cadets graduated. Lyndon B. Johnson erweiterte 1964 die Größe der Akademie von 2.529 auf 4.417 Kadetten. Our IT infrastructure is extensive, powerful and fundamental to the accomplishment of the Military Academy's mission. In addition to process transformation, leaders of character are increasingly solving problems using this approach. EE - TTP for Updating GAL. There must be sufficient personnel, with the appropriate training and education, experience, personal traits, and knowledge of information and educational technology to meet our strategic objectives. Full-time, temporary, and part-time jobs. The Superintendent of the United States Military Academy is its commanding officer. „, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Jefferson Hall-USMA Library and Learning Center, alliierten Streitkräfte im Zweiten Weltkrieg in Europa, Kategorie:Absolvent der United States Military Academy, Military Academy Cadet Chapel (West Point), Offizielle Seite der United States Military Academy, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=United_States_Military_Academy&oldid=208022652, Militärische Einrichtung (United States Army), Militärische Ausbildungsstätte (Vereinigte Staaten), Technisches Denkmal in den Vereinigten Staaten, Denkmal im National Register of Historic Places (New York), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Sie bildet etwa 25 % des Offiziernachwuchses des US-Heeres aus. Deputy Chief of Staff: … Search and apply for the latest Health safety environment officer jobs in West Point, PA. Die United States Military Academy (USMA) ist eine Militärakademie der Vereinigten Staaten in West Point, New York, und eine Einrichtung des übergeordneten US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). The faculty and staff are deeply committed to the development of leaders of character. USMA CIO/G6 thrives through superior project management. Der Ort ist vor allem für die dort gelegene Militärakademie bekannt, die United States Military Academy, die umgangssprachlich meist auch nur West Point genannt wird. HOUSING SERVICES OFFICE. Reliable Infrastructure. In a period of rapidly growing attacks of increasing complexity, information assurance education and awareness is a core competency. Below you will find our mission statement and our strategic plan for the next five years. Als nach dem Sezessionskrieg weitere Technische Hochschulen etabliert wurden, erweiterte die Militärakademie ihren Studienplan über das Ingenieurswesen hinaus. Captain USA. Weitere Absolventen sind unter der Kategorie:Absolvent der United States Military Academy zu finden. Their phone number is 845-938-2500. USMA has core values of honesty and ethical behavior. West Point has two apartment buildings maintained and operated by West Point Family Homes that are used for unaccompanied officer and enlisted personnel (E-7 and above). Position Phone ‌Regimental Tactical Officer ‌(845) 938-3706 ‌Regimental Executive Officer We must consolidate and provide the necessary space so that we operate an office in Talyor Hall supporting Associate Dean functionality and a second location in Central Area easily accessible by cadet, staff, and faculty. Information Assurance. The United States Military Academy at West Point offers “you” a fully funded, prestigious four-year academic, physical,and mental education that develops personal character, leads to a Bachelor of Science, guarantees employability as a trusted leader, and employs you in a respected and rewarding profession as an officer in the U.S. Army. Professionalism. The Military Academy must ensure Academy knowledge is confidential, accurate, and available. West Point Military Academy. Der Ehrenkodex der Kadetten lautet: „Ein Kadett lügt, betrügt oder stiehlt nicht und toleriert dies auch nicht bei anderen“. 35 Jobs für Transportation security officer in West Point. Im Bereich der Ausbildung machte er Bauingenieurwesen zum Grundstein des Studiums; die Absolventen der Akademie hatten in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Superintendent ist seit dem 2. Academy knowledge will be accessed from outside the Military Academy. Die herausragende Bedeutung der Akademie ist an der synonymen Verwendung des Ortsnamens „West Point“ mit der Institution abzulesen. LTS offers great travel rates for Active Duty or Retired Military, all DoD Employees and Cadets. Fundamental to proactive resource management is an Academy real-time decision support tool that supports proactive resource management. Auf einem Plateau über einem Knick des Hudson River gelegen konnte die Kontinentalarmee von dort den wichtigen Schiffsverkehr kontrollieren. Customer service excellence is not consistent across IT support organizations at the Military Academy. We provide an academic IT infrastructure that is robust, reliable, and predictable as a necessary condition for the Military Academy to accomplish its mission. Juni finden sich die neuen Kadetten an der Akademie ein. To provide professional, knowledgeable and timely service to every customer we have the privilege of assisting. As an educational institution, we must foster inquisitiveness and innovation. To support the United States Department of Defense (DOD) by assisting DOD Service Members, Cadets, Civilians and Family Members in obtaining the official travel documents necessary to facilitate official government travel. United States Military Academy Preparatory School, Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic. [6] Darüber hinaus gibt es keine Semesterferien im üblichen Sinne: In der Zeit zwischen den akademischen Semestern werden die Kadetten in über die ganzen USA verteilte Trainingszentren verschickt, je nachdem, welche Truppengattung die einzelnen Rekruten anstreben. The U.S. Military Academy at West Point's mission is "to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army." Each member must have a reliable computer that is less than four years old and appropriate for their duties. Our IT staff support outreach to the Army and our infrastructure is sufficiently robust and adaptive to support new initiatives. As part of reliable infrastructure, we will accredit the Academy Management System. COL Edward Teague Balancing Control and Freedom. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print. ADMISSIONS STATISTICS. The number and complexity of computer-based attacks is increasing rapidly. The primary goal of the equal employment opportunity (EEO) program is to manage workforce … Die USMA ist in einem früheren Fort des US-Heeres am westlichen Ufer des Hudson River in Orange County in West Point untergebracht und befindet sich etwa 80 Kilometer nördlich von New York City. A: Very. Ubiquitous Computing. Thank you for considering the West Point Club for your wedding. Our budget process must become transparent and creditable. Microsoft Office 365 at West Point: Help and Information. Free, fast and easy way find a job of 1.717.000+ postings in West Point, PA and other big cities in USA. 603 Cullum Road, West Point, New York, 10996. Zenas R. Bliss. To provide a reliable infrastructure, we must implement proactive IT management and self-healing solutions that gradually degrade instead of catastrophically fail. André wurde später wegen Spionage gehängt. Deputy Chief of Staff: Adjutant General (G1) Deputy Chief of Staff: Strategic Plans and Assessment (G5) Chief Information Officer/G6. West Point grew in fame after the Civil War, partly because of how many commanders attended the academy. Other News West Point Community Noontime Ultimate Frisbee Boys & Girls Lacrosse Easter Dinner To Go Bull Pond Virtual Lottery St. Patrick’s Day Dinner-To-Go . The Military Academy must stay above the Army average for Information Assurance Vulnerability Assessment (IAVA) compliance, and avoid all major security incidents. We are never satisfied with the level of support or quality of education. Darüber hinaus ist ein guter Notendurchschnitt des Highschool-Abschlusses sowie ein lupenreines Führungszeugnis nötig. 1781 plante der Festungskommandant, Benedict Arnold, das Fort und seine Besatzung kampflos den britischen Truppen unter General Henry Clinton gegen Zahlung von £ 20.000 Sterling zu übergeben. Nearby Retail & Restaurant Options . Teilweise kämpften in diesem Konflikt Freunde und ehemalige Klassenkameraden von West Point gegeneinander. Client support is the cornerstone of the program. Personnel. 2. US Military Academy (USMA) | Absolventen der Akademie erhalten den akademischen Grad eines Bachelors und sind gleichzeitig Second Lieutenant des Heeres. Large variances in IT budget support are indicative of a failure to convey the fundamental link between the accomplishment of the Military Academy mission and adequate funding for information technology. The Military Academy must be able to look ahead at potential information and education technology, determine those technologies that have educational potential and develop the appropriate pedagogy and support for the technology. Web-based computing is transforming Military Academy business processes. Job email alerts. Sie bildet etwa 25 % des Offiziernachwuchses des US-Heeres aus. Im Dezember 1960 erhielt die Militärakademie den Status eines National Historic Landmarks. Auf dem Gelände befindet sich ein Soldatenfriedhof, auf dem Absolventen begraben werden, sofern diese als Veteranen nicht ihr Recht in Anspruch nehmen, auf dem Nationalfriedhof Arlington begraben zu werden. Links to the left provide additional information on the computing infrastructure we maintain to support the Military Academy. USMA CIO/G6 influences the adoption of new technologies into the Army through technical expertise and an understanding of the Army mission and organization. Our ability to lead, collaborate and implement change is limited by the friction induced by the lack of consolidation. … The new employee may contact the West Point DEERS Facility front desk at (845) 938-2607, 72 hours after in-processing to confirm their information is visible within DEERS. If our customers could choose any client support cell in the world, they would choose USMA CIO/G6. The following information is required to obtain confirmation: First and Last Name. Cooperation and Collaboration. Williams. Enterprise Email Documents: EE - Redirect Email from EE to USMA. sidebar_westpointstaff. Predictable Budget. Die Army Black Knights vertreten die Military Academy in verschiedenen Sportarten der Patriot League der NCAA Division I. Juli 2018 Generalleutnant Darryl A. Darüber hinaus müssen alle Studierenden einem hohen Fitness-Standard entsprechen und Sport-Pflichtkurse besuchen. This requires the Military Academy to select the right balance between individual empowerment and control of the computing environment. Disney World, Universal Studios, Six Flags, Hershey Park, Medieval Times, and much more! We firmly embrace these values. Decentralized IT support tailors the delivery of IT services to departmental needs. We work closely with our sister IT organizations to provide governance of Military Academy IT systems. The collaborative places where learning occurs must have the infrastructure to support learning. A Tactical Officer (TAC) is the primary cadet developer and the legal commander of a cadet company (approximately 125 cadets). West Point cadets must be unmarried, not pregnant, and not under obligation to support any children. The United States Military Academy Chief information Officer/G6 (USMA CIO/G6) leads information and educational technology in support of the Military Academy's mission to develop leaders of character with a focus on the academic program. Die Studien münden in einen Bachelor-Abschluss, der den Bedingungen einer Hochschule entspricht, denn auch die Ausbilder entsprechen den üblichen Kriterien für Hochschullehrer. If our customers could choose anyone to meet their needs, they would choose us. März 1802 wurde das Fort durch ein Gesetz von Thomas Jefferson in eine Militärakademie umgewandelt, da im US-Heer ein eklatanter Mangel an Offizieren bestand. All are required to be U.S. citizens and between 17 and 23 years old. Januar 2021 um 17:48 Uhr bearbeitet. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 24. MilConnectTTP. We anticipate user needs and proactively plan to accomplish the mission. Focus on Teaching Excellence. The exploitation of these devices must provide secure access to Military Academy resources from anywhere at West Point and limited worldwide locations in a format tailored to the computing device. 250 Seiten starken, sog. Bereits George Washington wählte den Standort für das Fort aus; das Bauwerk wurde 1778 von Tadeusz Kościuszko errichtet. An abundance of on-site parking is available free for tenants and visitors. Die USMA wird von einem Superintendent im Rang eines Generalleutnants geleitet. West Point Post Office NOTICE: The Postal Service is an essential government service, and will remain open wherever possible. The Army Housing Office (AHO), located in Building 695, provides assistance in finding suitable off-post housing. USMA technology initiatives are introduced in the form of projects that must be closely managed to ensure success. Process Transformation. Nach Abschluss haben sie eine Dienstpflicht von mindestens fünf Jahren, gefolgt von drei Jahren in der Reserve. Als diese Verschwörung, durch die Gefangennahme des britischen Mittelsmannes Major John André, aufgedeckt wurde, floh er zu den Briten und kämpfte ab da gegen die Amerikaner. nicht den Streitkräften unterstellt: US Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), 41.391302777778-73.958597222222Koordinaten: 41° 23′ 28,7″ N, 73° 57′ 30,9″ W, United States Military Academie West Point, Alle Kadetten müssen jederzeit den Inhalt, der ca. Outreach to the Army is becoming increasingly important as we leverage the resources of the Military Academy to solve real-world problems. Alle Kadetten müssen die angebotenen Kern-Fächer aus Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften sowie auch Fremdsprachen und Ingenieurwissenschaften wahrnehmen und zusätzlich eine Grundausbildung ableisten, die höhere Ansprüche stellt als die übliche in den US-Streitkräften. [9] Er ist selbst Absolvent der Akademie (1983). Innovation. USMA CIO/G6 understands the relationship of IT to education. Im Jahr 2010 hatte West Point 6.763 Bewohner. West Point played a prominent role in WWII; four of the five five-star generals were alumni and nearly 500 graduates died. [2] Im Oktober 1966 wurde sie als Historic District in das National Register of Historic Places eingetragen.[3]. The Military Academy is critical to the defense of the nation. Our workplaces, personal conduct, and issue staffing exude professionalism. The staff and faculty need the computing platform to execute their mission. We design, implement and maintain the information and education systems that cadets, staff, and faculty utilize to complete their missions. Der Bewerber darf nicht verheiratet sein und auch während der Ausbildung keine Ehe eingehen. Einen wichtigen Anteil an der Geschichte der Akademie hatte Oberst Sylvanus Thayer, der diese zwischen 1817 und 1833 leitete. Die Fitness wird mit einem eigenen Test abgeprüft. Ebenso wurde das bis dahin ungeschriebene System der Ehre kodifiziert. A full list of all of West Point Leisure Travel Services tickets available here! Die Football-Mannschaft tritt hingegen in der der Football Bowl Subdivision an. 9. Because of the Military Academy structure, not a single person or group is responsible for the resources that we need to accomplish our mission. He expanded and modernized the academic program … Our focus on development extends beyond the classroom and permeates everything we do. Full SSN. West Point Military Academy Military Officer Application Process Each December, we conduct a selection board that chooses officers to join the DPE faculty. Reliable Infrastructure. We must develop classroom management technologies that allow our faculty to easily control the use of technologies in the classroom so as to effectively share information, support group collaboration and presentation, and assess learning. Bevor sie den Titel eines Kadetten (plebe) tragen dürfen, bekommen die Bewerber nach erwähnter Untersuchung noch eine Stunde Bedenkzeit, um einen Vertrag zu unterschreiben, der ihre Aufnahme in die Akademie bei einer Verpflichtung für insgesamt neun Jahre bestätigt (diese Verpflichtung entfällt für diejenigen Kadetten, die sich nach spätestens zwei Jahren entschließen, aus der Akademie auszuscheiden). Customer service is a core competency. West Point professor Tim Bakken and the cover his new book, due out February 18, 2019. Bevor sie sich einrichten können, werden sie ähnlich wie in der Grundausbildung empfangen und medizinisch untersucht. Hätte die britische Armee diese Stellung erobert, hätte sie die nördlichen und südlichen Kolonien voneinander abschneiden können. The Military Academy has a competitive advantage compared to other universities in adopting new technologies. We understand the learning process and how to enhance that process through information technology. Over the next five years, our IT infrastructure must become as reliable as a telephone or an electrical outlet. Verified employers. Director, United States Military Academy Chief information Officer/G6. U.S. Army Garrison West Point. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg ergänzte der Leiter Douglas MacArthur den Lehrplan noch weiter, vor allem um körperliche und athletische Fächer. We are always learning, always questioning, always innovating. Our budget is dependent on leadership prioritization of limited resources. Search and apply for the latest Office engineer jobs in West Point, GA. Er erhöhte die Qualität der Ausbildung und legte die Betonung auf militärische Disziplin und Ehrverhalten. Die United States Military Academy (USMA) ist eine Militärakademie der Vereinigten Staaten in West Point, New York, und eine Einrichtung des übergeordneten US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). The Public Affairs Office communicates the mission of West Point so that the American public is made fully aware of USMA and its value to the Nation, in order to ensure adequate public support and to obtain quality youth as potential leaders of character for the Army and the Nation. This total commitment to cadet education creates an environment conducive to the consideration and careful inclusion of information and educational technology and provides the Military Academy with a competitive advantage. As a military unit, we must operate within a Department of Defense infrastructure. Don't plan a trip without making your first stop at the West Point Leisure Travel Services (LTS) office. Project Management. 359 of these men joined the Confederacy, while 638 fought for the Union. Die USMA und die Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg betreiben seit 2005 einen jährlichen Austausch von Kadetten und Offizieren. On-Site Free Parking. We specify, procure, and maintain the servers and associated hardware to power the information and education infrastructure of the Military Academy. [7] Gegen Ende des Akademieablaufs werden die Kadetten in mehreren Zeremonien verabschiedet.[8]. This position is roughly equivalent to the chancellor or president of an American civilian university.The officer appointed is, by tradition, a graduate of the United States Military Academy, commonly known as "West Point".However, this is not an official requirement for the position. All participated in the Civil War. Our ability to operate is dependent on our ability to defend our network. We are skilled professionals and conduct ourselves as such. The Academy was founded in 1802 and is the oldest of the United States' five service academies. As it turns out, West Point cadets *do* outrank Army noncommissioned officers (NCOs). EE - Where can I get help for my Enterprise Email account. Der 60. [1] Washington sah in West Point eine der wichtigsten militärischen Stellungen des Kontinents. Over the next five years, our budget must become more predictable so that the accomplishment of the Academy mission is likewise predictable. Etwa die Hälfte der Absolventen arbeiten nach ihrer Verpflichtungszeit im aktiven Dienst (min. Colonel USV. Vision. Nach Transportation security officer-Jobs in West Point, VA mit Bewertungen und Gehältern suchen. Welcome to the West Point Military Personnel Division Our mission is to provide timely and friendly diverse military personnel service support to Soldiers, their Family members, retired military, DoD civilians, and government contractors; thereby, promoting Soldier readiness and Family success. Job email alerts. Am 16. This rich computing infrastructure provides a foundation for the exploitation of technology to support education. West point staff. Der Komplex der Akademie nimmt 65 km² in Anspruch. This commitment translates to a willingness to adopt new technologies and innovate if the technology supports enhanced leader development. Cadets who served in the Civil War. To contact the EEO Officer, Complaints Manager, Disability Program Manager, Alternate Dispute Resolution Manager, Special Emphasis Program Manager, Affirmative Employment Manager, phone (845) 938-3052. This is a … US-Präsidenten dar, die ein Bewerber vorweisen muss. This professional office setting will offer you a quiet space to work in and a place where you can welcome clients for meetings. Competitive salary. Verified employers. Our banquet rooms offer panoramic views of the Hudson River which provide wonderful settings for … We are a catalyst for change and innovation. Mission-focused. The Military Academy is the world leader in leveraging information and education technology to develop leaders of character. We have a clearly defined mission focused on the development of educated leaders of character. Training opportunities associated with active directory, wireless, and information assurance must be offered at regular intervals so as to maintain our competitive advantages in these areas. Staff and Faculty Computers. US Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) Collaborative Learning Technology. Our infrastructure must support and foster exploration and development of web-based computing. Information and educational technology is necessary but not sufficient to the accomplishment of the Military Academy mission. Technically. Education and Leader Development. The introduction of wireless classrooms has significantly increased the ability of the faculty to exploit technology in the curriculum. IT can enhance or hinder education and leader development. USMA CIO/G6 is critical to the success of the Military Academy. Proactive Change Management. Relevancy resonates with leaders of character and our faculty. The United States Military Academy (USMA) is an undergraduate college in West Point, New York with the mission of educating and commissioning officers for the United States Army. West Point Academic Staff Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Rachel Sondheimer, Ph.D. (2000) Vice Dean of Operations, COL Michael Yankovich, Ph.D. (2807) Vice Dean … Outreach to Army. Ohne den erfolgreich bestandenen Test ist der Bachelor-Grad nicht zu erwerben. The West Point Cadets' Sword is issued to cadet officers of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York for wear when the uniform is designated as "under arms," to include formal functions, drill, parades, inspections and graduation. Date of Birth. West Point Office Park features exterior and interior signage opportunities for all tenants, providing exposure and ease for visitors looking for their destination in the park. While this process has already begun, it will accelerate over the next five years. Jahrhunderts wesentlichen Anteil am Ausbau der Infrastruktur in den Vereinigten Staaten. Competitive salary. 41. We specify, procure, and maintain all cadet technology systems. Now is the time to begin compiling and submitting your packet for this year's selection board. The Military Academy must move beyond static data storage to intelligent decision support systems that empower cadets, staff and faculty. Die USMA ist eine der renommiertesten Hochschulen der Vereinigten Staaten. Customer Service Excellence. Classroom Management. Academic Admission Requirements for West Point Candidates for West Point are evaluated on academic performance, demonstrated leadership potential and physical fitness. Ein wichtiges Ziel wurde damit die Idee „jeder Kadett ein Athlet“. For information on living on West Point you can contact Balfour Beatty Communities and visit their website. Das Motto der Akademie ist „Duty, Honor, Country“ („Pflicht, Ehre, Vaterland“). We educate and empower cadets to use technology. Outreach projects will grow over the next five years. We ensure a safe computing environment by providing patching and anti-viral solutions. West Point Family Homes.