Luckily, those signs are... sizable. After a few dates with a guy, you might be wondering how serious he wants to be with you. I Need Advice. Are you both ready? This is his way of opening up. Being in an exclusive relationship brings with it different types of exclusivity. Just be straight up. OK, the “exclusive” conversation can be as loaded as a double-barrel shotgun. Compared to girls, guys are not so open about their feelings. Remember that you’re not asking for too much. Make sure a subjectively reasonable amount of time has passed. I remember the first time I had the “talk” with a guy I was dating. And it takes a lot of guts for a guy to put himself out there and ask you to make things official. You don’t even have to ask him point-blank, “Are you ready for a committed relationship,” as much as you might want to get a quick and easy answer. First and foremost ladies, you should start out by asking him! For those who can hardly wait to know if their new crush is returning those mutually exclusive feelings, here’s a couple of things to keep in mind about bringing up this tantalizing topic. Sponsored: The best dating/relationships advice on the web. Then the guy will, point-blank, ask me if I'm seeing other people. When you meet someone you immediately click with, it may be tempting to take this to the next level immediately. There are no hidden messages to decipher or clues to piece together. It’s an exciting time, the chemistry is soaring and the topic of sex will soon be on the table. Asking “are we exclusive” can be awkward and uncomfortable for both parties. That’s it. You may not want to commit to someone you just met. 1. It went something like this: He might even ask your advice on difficult things he’s dealing with. Here are surefire ways to tell that you’re probably in an exclusive relationship. However, many women do not want to be the one to ask. OKAY, okay, calm down!" Don't worry. But rushing into a committed relationship is part of the reason why many new romances n As always, communication is the golden rule. [5] He has to really put his heart on the line. According to a relationship psychologist, there is a socially acceptable answer. FREE Download: These 12 Irresistible Text Messages will Make Him Yours... #7 Will Blow Your Mind! Just remember, you want to be prepared for the answer and for the discussion before you ask him. You’ve met the guy of your dreams. Do you want us to be exclusive? I have been talking to this guy for a while now and I am bout to ask him if he Exclusive and my friend gave advice on what to say to him and this she told me say " (1/2) Ask him if u guys are exclusive even though u aren't serious if he says no say ok I just wanted to know because a guy asked me out on Friday Everything is fine. Probably the biggest sign that you’re on the road to an exclusive relationship is that the guy is consistent with his efforts. Here’s why: the way you get into an exclusive relationship with a guy is to never act as if you’re exclusively dating him – until he explicitly locks you down. You've met each other's friends and family. Nobody likes to have the “talk” – you know the one in which you ask the person who you’ve been dating for a while if he’s seeing anyone else. Part of me is irritated that he's asking (I wouldn't ask, for instance) but part of me, because I'm kind of lame, wants to soothe him: "No, no! While an exclusive relationship meaning varies for everyone – as well as how long should you date before becoming exclusive – there are some key indicators that your twosome is headed in the right direction. 9 Signs A Guy Likes You But Is Scared To Admit It [Sponsored] Click here to chat with a relationship expert from Relationship Hero to help you decide whether you should become exclusive. 4 Ways to Make Him Commit and Want Only You There’s more to it than that, so if you want to get down to the nitty gritty on what exclusive means to a guy, read on! It is life changing! When you go from just casually dating a guy to actually being his girlfriend, it's a big move. Take a risk and be vulnerable. According to a 2012 article in Ebony Magazine titled “Are You … I don’t need a relationship but he will be gone for 2 weeks for work and he’s not a big texter especially when he’s stressed. It can be confusing to mark the shift from casually dating to being an exclusive couple, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have just met the guy, you might want to go on a few dates before you ask him to be your boyfriend. After all, if you've been dating for a while, why wouldn't he say yes? The Types of Exclusivity. 12 Questions You Should Ask Before Being Exclusive. You may be willing to go along with this and ask her to be exclusive, but timing is crucial. You ask a guy to be exclusive you most probably going to anger him and get a really good believable lie. We all should be on the same page now – we understand what exclusive means. Ask A Guy: Exactly How To Seduce A Man (How To Turn A Man On, Part 1) Guy Talk: 10 Undeniable Signs a Man is Ready To Commit ; Surefire Ways To Tell If You’re Exclusive (Without Needing To Ask) Ask a Guy: When a Guy Withdraws… How to Be a Good Girlfriend (And the Best He’s Ever Had!) I ask because I've been asked out by other people, and I'm not sure what to tell them." You want to be exclusive, but you don’t know if he does. Finding the words isn’t difficult. To the girl you are seeing, it is more romantic if you are the one that makes it official. After all, they are expected to be tough. But now here I am a year and a half later realizing that what I want, is him. You think you’re exclusive, then realize he/she is still swiping right on Hinge and Tinder. One of the most common questions men and women ask is about when to become exclusive — i.e., officially becoming known as "boyfriend and girlfriend.". Never assume exclusivity. 32 votes, 80 comments. And usually, when a guy does this, he wants to be exclusive and committed to you. Some couples get there earlier than others, but sometimes it's tricky to know when you should broach the subject. #1 Wait for the appropriate amount of time. It’s one of the better signs he wants to be exclusive … When a guy is with you but doesn’t want to put a label on your relationship, it could be that you’re convenient for him at that point in his life. Here are 17 signs he wants to be exclusive without having to ask.. 1. It is difficult to draw a line between dating and being a couple. Many people ask a partner to become steady or exclusive after about six dates or one month. I have been talking to this guy for about a month, we talk on the phone almost every night, and our personalities go … Don’t feel the need to rush it. Can I (21F) ask a guy (30M) to be exclusive? more: The Biggest Signs He Doesn’t Like You. In the end asking a guy to be exclusive … We have been dating for about 2 months now, I don’t think he is talking to any other females but I want to ask him if we can exclusively date. This is a great way to get your guy to go exclusive! He’ll ask what you think about certain things in his life. I never know how to respond to this. When a guy wants to be exclusive with you, he’ll tell you. He’s letting you in. When I felt things were getting a little more serious I made it clear that I wasn't looking for a relationship (I had just gotten out of one). The Difference Between ‘Exclusive’ And ‘Official’ Up until now, you … IF the guy wants to be exclusive AT THAT MOMENT he WILL tell you. Salam. My way of dealing with this issue gets you the best answer you can get. It's a huge transition. When to become exclusive with our partner is a delicate art unless the signs are there. How do I get over being exclusive with a guy? When a guy likes you, it’s obvious. Even moreso if you go on a double/triple date with them, which you've done. You don’t need to waste your time on a There may be some who do talk and express their emotions but when taken in the broader sense, it is rare to find such a man. For some guys, it seems like they can't wait to lock it down. You’ve been dating a guy for a few weeks and already you can feel yourself putting all of your time, focus and energy on him. How to approach the subject of being exclusive. Hi! You’d love to know whether or not the relationship is ready to be exclusive. It started as a drunken night- that I thought would be a one night stand. Instead, have a conversation fairly early on (by the end of date two or three) about what his goals are in life, and ask him where he is with them. Before you have it, ... Have your question ready and ask it. But we kept on seeing each other. You might have started calling him this already in conversation because it's easier than discussing him as "this guy I've been seeing who's really amazing and could be, like, a Real Thing." A guy who blasts you with attention for a week or so and then goes AWOL for a while is clearly not that interested in pursuing anything stable or committed. No guy goes through the trouble of introducing a girl to his friends more than once unless there's relationship potential. “We never had ‘the talk,’” they may say as a defense. You’ve met each other’s friends and family. 3. If you can really let that sink it, you will clear your mind of so much unnecessary stress and worry. He likes the way you treat him and having you next to him boosts his ego and makes him feel like he’s not alone, but he isn’t planning anything long-term. Having 'the talk' with your partner means you're ready to make a relationship 'official.' I started causally seeing a guy almost 1.5 years ago. You’re not exclusive with him until you both explicitly agree that you are.